I'm a firm believer of knowing just who I really am. Do you know yourself?
I'm also a firm believer in having fun while staying fit. I'm not just talking about physical fitness.....yes...our bodies are important and we need wisdom to take care of it properly. But we also need to be emotionally, mentally, spiritually and relationally fit. This devo will be more focused on how our spiritual fitness relates to our physical and emotional fitness.
The Lord, this past summer, awakened in me the desire to help other women with their daily fitness in a simple manner of meditation and walking. I've been a small group Bible study leader now since 2011 and I only had 1 year of a Sabbatical from that. Currently I'm co-leading with my husband and we have a small group of 5 people participating in a book study (on evangelism/the 2nd commandment of Love your Neighbor as Yourself. We meet twice a month on Tuesdays). I'm taking a break this semester of leading a women's book study as I wanted to join one in a town north of me which meets twice a month as well. It's an excellent study by Jennie Allen and it's good for me as it meets my relational and spiritual needs. I love meeting new women of the faith!
However, when the Lord put on my heart that I should lead a 1-2x a month group for fitness, at first I balked. I've joined fitness groups in the past and I also led a hiking group from time to time. It usually fizzles out because people don't want to commit. Usually I would end up hiking alone or with 1-2 other people. This time, I heard clearly that even if women fizzle out, I should keep going. God will put in the group whom He wants. So I took a leap of faith (no pun intended) and signed up with our church to lead what I call Fun and Fitness. It's not a Bible study. Rather, I take Scriptures from Joyce Meyers book Overcoming Every Problem (about God's promises to us) and we meditate on a different Scripture and come together to walk and discuss.
This past month (September into Oct) we have been meditating on Joshua 1:8. This Scripture is full of promise, isn't it?
Meyers has a great quote about this Scripture:
"Wisdom is doing now what you will be satisfied doing later." (pg 23 Overcoming Every Problem: 40 Promises From God's Word to strengthen you through life's greatest challenges by Joyce Meyers, c 2023)
As I was meditating on this, the last couple of weeks, God showed me that our success as Believers doesn't necessarily mean that we will prosper financially. Yes if we tithe we often reap a monetary blessing. But money is temporal. It's fleeting. It doesn't go with us to Heaven, does it? Our true prosperity comes from knowing God. When we truly become intimate with our Redeemer, we will learn discernment and when we meditate on His Word every day...and every evening....we become attuned to His Voice which results in joy, peace, wisdom. I turn to Him for every decision but it wasn't always that way. I often would worry, become anxious, call my two spiritual mentors (D and M), talk it over with my husband, complain to a friend, ask for prayer with my blogging community or with my close friends....basically everyone except GOD.
After a long year of some strange things happening in my life, I have found that going to Christ first is what I should be doing. Going right to my Creator who knows me from the inside out and who made me to have an abundant life.
He wants us to prosper!!
"Wisdom is the correct use of knowledge" says Joyce...and boy is she correct! What good is knowledge...facts...Truth...if we don't apply it?
When we meditate, we are going over and over what the Scripture is saying. You can break it down into phrases, or chunks of words, but do what is best for you. I tend to read the Scripture a few times and then pause. I let it sink into my soul. I then often pick up my devotional journal and write down any thoughts I feel are coming from God. I might do a blog post. I might just share the thoughts with my husband or a good friend. Sometimes...actually most of the time...I simply let God fill my mind and then I ask myself how this Scripture applies to my life or what He wants me to learn from it. I write. And I will keep it to my self. It's a form of being intimate with God and oh how He desires that time spent with us! It strengthens us...the Word....
We can meditate on His Word while walking outdoors or while doing some yoga stretches right in our own home. Let His Word sink down into your soul. As you move your body physically, praise Him that you can do so! As you walk in the woods, breathe in. Look around you. Leave your phone in your backpack or in your pocket. Put it on silent. Be one with God and with His creation. It fills all of your senses and it will fill your soul. It brings a sense of peace. It can make you wonder at His marvelous creation and helps you to move forward emotionally. There are so many benefits to meditating while in nature.
Knowing God...and knowing ourselves and who we are in Him....is really what makes us "successful". Having a relationship with God brings us a sense of security. We will experience joy, peace, freedom. Even in trials.
Do you know yourself? Are you meditating on the Word?
Know God!!
Being still is part of meditation.
Psalm 46: 10 says "Be still. And know that I am God".
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on the summit of Mt Van Hoevenberg, east trail High Peaks region ADK Friday morning 6 October |
Be still. Meditate. Move your body. Fill your mind. Praise Him.
Know Him.
So much wisdom and practical instruction in this post. Thank you. I am not a walking or exercising but I know the wisdom in it and even believe it (walking) is something the Lord would have me do. Then why do I resist? Wish I had a group that would help keep me both motivated and accountable. And your comment ("I often would worry, become anxious, call my two spiritual mentors (D and M), talk it over with my husband, complain to a friend, ask for prayer with my blogging community or with my close friends....basically everyone except GOD.") was so spot on. Thanks for the reminder of where I turn first. Have a wonderful week -
Jennifer thanks for the feedback! Well to be honest, I walk almost every day by my self! hahah Most of my friends still work and the ones who are retired don't live nearby. I rather like walking alone. For hikes I tend to go with 1-3 people. Sometimes alone but rarely. I highly encourage you to move in some way.......even just a walk around the block! Here's to going directly to God first moving forward!! :)
Hi Faith. Great post. Not sure how I missed it a few days ago. I know that it is when I am walking and spending time outdoors that I feel most connected to God. I might have that Joyce Meyer book. I have many of her books and have read most. She is excellent. Thanks for this lovely post.
I loved your paragraph on meditating in nature and putting the phone away! I too feel more connected to the Lord in nature, marveling and enjoying His creation.
I could have sworn I commented on this one too! Oh well. LOL.
Great encouragement to actually slow down and meditate on God's word and to ask God how it would apply to our lives. I also love to do this outside in His creation!
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