"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 November 2024

Sunday Fun Day

I sat down to relax after being at church, then out to lunch with my oldest daughter, then we shopped at a local craft fair, then took a power walk, then smashed pumpkins for the wildlife to eat, and now I need to relax before I cook dinner and decorate the Christmas tree! Whew....it's been a busy Sunday but a good one. I'm participating in the Sunday meme because I really like this week's questions.  Find out more here. 

  •  What was the last song you listened to?

The Pas de Deux from The Nutcracker ballet score because I was in my daughter's car and it was the last thing on her playlist before we got out of the car. 

  • What is your favorite thing about the place you live?
We are in the suburbs and between 3 good metro areas with another small city to the north of us by just 20 minutes. We are also within an hour's drive of the Catskills, the Green, the Berkshires, and the Adirondack mountains.  Also, the cultural arts are fantastic in this area as are the educational opportunities and the cost of living is high but not as high as the NYC or Boston areas. 

  • What is your earliest childhood memory?
Of being 7 yrs old wearing a yellow dress and a blue cardigan sweater and walking on the church camp grounds by myself trying to find the arts and crafts building. It would have been the summer of 1967. 

  • If you could be any animal, what would you be?
I would be a wild horse somewhere in Montana or an eagle

  • How many languages can you say "Hello" in? 
I can say hello in English obviously, in French (salut), in Spanish (Hola), German (Hallo), and Japanese (konichiwa ...spelling??) I can also sign "good morning" in American Sign Language 

  • Who do you trust the most in your life? 
God, Husband and both daughters. I also trust my minister and his wife and a few close friends. I don't trust easily and I don't trust everyone in my life. 

  • What is your favorite kind of weather?
My fave weather is sunshine, blue skies, and temps anywhere from 64-85.  But I also do love crisp cold autumn mornings and the crunch of snow on a frosty day. 

  • How did you discover that Santa wasn't real and how old were you?
I was probably about 7 or 8 yrs old when I saw my parents putting the gifts under the tree. I remember being devastated that my church going parents lied to me so I vowed I would never lie to my own children about Santa. And I never have. They grew up believing the myth of Santa (the real "santa) a.k.a. St Nicholas and we read the story every year from an easy to understand children's book about St Nicholas. We also celebrated St Nicholas Day every year with them putting out their Dutch wooden shoes (my mom's side of the family is part Dutch-German).  We had Santa decor, etc. but I never lied to them and told them Santa brings the gifst on 12/24. and guess what? They still had a magical Christmas.  We taught them the reason we give gifts is to show love to others and that the tree represents everlasting life of God because pine trees are always green...always living...green year round, etc. 
  • What is the best feeling in the world?
being fully known and fully loved 

  • What is your favorite color?
Cerulean blue
  •  Is there a language you would love to learn?
I would love to learn Russian like my youngest daughter. It's hard!!

  •  How do you feel about reality TV?
Oh UGH. it is SO contrived. Cannot stand it. Never watch it. Watched a few episodes of Survivor when it first came out and said this is a complete waste of time. It's just So ridiculously contrived. And read The Perfect Couple...then you'll be done with reality shows too! :) 

  • Did you ever skip school when you were a kid?
Not school all day but I used to skip gym, geometry and sometimes Earth Science. I was totally bored. It was the 70s. no one ever knew where we were. hahah

  • What is your least favorite food?
beef and brussel sprouts and mushrooms

  •     Do you have a good luck charm?
Do you honestly think there's such a thing as "good luck?" um. nope. But I DO believe inthe power of God Almighty and the power of prayer. I also believe in angels and demons. I believe there are some consequences to certain actions or thoughts and that there's an afterlife. If I had to say I had a "charm" it would be any of my pieces of dragonfly jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, earrings and pins) because dragonfly is a symbol of strength and I have had to have a lot of inner strength to survive certain things from my childhood. Also, the dragonfly is me and my husband's marriage symbol. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. It was fun to read your answers. Glad you are having a good Sunday. Hope you have a good week!

Roger Owen Green said...

We we're out of town yesterday picking up our daughter from college for Thanksgiving week/ Then we got up really early this morning to so I can go to church. I had to sing in the choir and I had to read scripture. then after church we had a practice for our Bach Magnificat that we're performing on December 6th. if you can't make it down to First Presbyterian Church in Albany you might be able to find our performance on our Facebook page

Plastic Mancunian said...

Cerulean blue is nice. I have a shirt that colour.

I've heard Russian is difficult, like German but with a different alphabet.

