Meaning, practicing the Presence of God. Not just on Sundays in church. Not just on Christmas Eve and Easter morning. Not just when serving the poor, the lost, the shut-ins. Not just when leading a women's small group study or sitting in a class learning various Christian precepts.
Actually BEING in the Presence of God. God is all around us, isn't He?
Then why do we struggle to sit in His Presence? to be aware of His constant Presence?
This year, I expect God will show me some interesting things while I attempt to practice the Presence of Him. I've been slowly reading through Psalm 119 this winter and these verses jumped out at me this morning as I re-read them and reflected on them.....
"I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes, I will not forget Your Word." Psalm 119: 15-16
"meditate" simply means to "think deeply" or "focus your mind on". God wants us to meditate...think deeply...about His commands, His character/ways and when we do this, we won't forget His Word.
We need daily reminders to live as Christ followers! Do we check our social media accounts more than we check out what God is saying in His Word??
Checking social media is something I no longer do daily and there's nothing inherently wrong with it if you do this. Just like there's nothing wrong with having a "to do" list, hobbies, errands to run, homes to manage, ministry duties, children to raise, young adult children to advise, a spouse to aid, friends to enjoy, a career to establish/continue, etc. None of these things are wrong. However, if we are putting them before God and time in His Word, as Believers, then we may want to reflect on this Scripture and think about (Contemplate) why we aren't spending time in His Presence daily.....or why we do all the other things first? or why do we make those other things more important?
Practicing the Presence of God, for me, is being able to sit or walk outside with no other distractions. Simply being one with Him and reflecting on the Scriptures He has for me that day.
By doing this, I will "hide the Word in my heart" which I need to live my life daily, and that I might need to draw on in the future. Having Scriptures to bring up in any given situation is something I've been raised to do yet I'm still learning to do it!
I hope to get better at starts with simply opening my Bible and reading His Word so I can't forget it. Contemplating on it. This means thinking about it for a long time, i.e. Meditate.
Is there a specific way you practice the Presence of God? Feel free to share in the comment section and leave your blog title or first name and I can respond!
Have a wonderful Monday!
Good post, Faith. Very good and thought provoking. Thanks!
Great post, Faith. For me practicing the presence of God speaks of my focus being Him in all things, at all times. Which in my case takes discipline which I definitely need to work on.
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