"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

01 March 2025

Saturday Nine Fun

I really liked these questions today and I used to watch Doris Day movies all the time when I was much younger growing up in my parents' home....she was a fave with them and with my younger sister Hope. 

I'm participating with this blog meme.  Join in!

Saturday 9: My Blue Heaven (1955)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The music for "My Blue Heaven" was written by Walter Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson was a gifted piano player who used his talent to entertain the troops on leave during WWI. What's something you're naturally good at?

I'm good at sight-reading piano music and some vocal music. Not sure why, but I just tend to be good at it. I can also transfer the notes to solfege pretty easily. I'm also naturally good at organizing. I think it's in my blood. 

2) The lyrics were written by George Whiting. He began his career on stage as a song-and-dance man. While touring, he met and fell in love with another singer on the bill. They went on to marry and have three daughters. Have you ever engaged in a workplace romance?

No, I've never dated anyone I've worked with. However, I had a crush on an older man when I had a summer job at Remington Arms factory. 

3) In this song, Doris Day sings about a cozy home. Look around the room you're in. What makes it cozy?

I think what makes my home "cozy" is the style of furniture we have chosen (for the most part):  Shaker style. There's just something cozy about light pine mixed in with some darker oak and I also use a lot of tossed pillows on the chairs/couches along with a candle or two in every room. Even my bathroom has a smell candle. I also have a basket of fleece blankets and quilts for cold winter evenings. 
4) For four consecutive years, Doris was the most popular film actress in the world, with fans flocking to theaters to see her. Is there an actor or actress whose presence in a movie or TV show makes you say to yourself, "I want to see that?"

yes. Female: Meryl Streep, Mariska Hargitay or Blake Lively.  Male: Tom Hanks, Mark Ruffalo,  or George Clooney. Unless you're talking  classics and then it's:  Audrey Hepburn or Ingrid Bergman; Bing Crosby, Humphrey Bogart,  or Cary Grant

5) For all her film and music success, she found herself broke in the late 1960s. Her husband had mismanaged her fortune, something she didn't discover until after his sudden death. Do you know how much is in your checking account right now? (We're not asking the amount; just whether you know.)

Yes, I have a good ballpark figure as I often check our online account and I'm the one who balances the checkbook. I also know what's in my two savings account but i have no idea what's in my husband's. I have a ballpark figure of what's in our joint savings, though.  And I have NO idea what's in our stock portfolio. 

6) Away from performing, Doris' passion was animal welfare. At one point she shared her home with more than a dozen dogs and went on to establish the Doris Day Animal Foundation. Do any pets share your home?

Absolutely not. Youngest daughter has an adorable rescued cat though named Karma who is part Siamese and although I can't stand cats, I actually like hers! 
7) In 1955, when this song was a hit, cars came with AM radios but they were pretty unsophisticated by today's standards. The car needed to be on and "warmed up" a bit before the signal was picked up and that signal could easily be lost if you were bouncing over rough terrain. Today most new cars come with Bluetooth so you can enjoy infotainment through your phone. Do you listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc., as you drive?
When I'm driving, I typically listen to the classical radio station or NPR news, or sometimes my iphone playlist. Sometimes I listen to K Love Christian radio station.  When I'm a passenger in hubby's car, we tend to listen to his playlist of 70s and 80s music or a podcast called wait wait don't tell me which is pure comedic fun. 

8) Also in 1955, the first McDonald's opened. Does your community have a McDonald's?

Sadly, yes. I know of 4 just in our town (the north part and the south part)  alone. yuck. 

9) Random question: How long have you known your newest friend?

My newest friend is a millennial, aged 45,  who joined my book group in September. She loved it so much that she is now in my spring semester group. I first met Shawna when God prompted me to volunteer with a group called HomeBound, where she is one of the volunteers. She recently joined my Spring semester walking group and is now in my hiking group. I first met her in August 2024. I like having friends of all ages and she brings a younger perspective to our small group.

I hope you all have a wonderfully relaxing Saturday!!



songbird's crazy world said...

Your house does sound cozy

CountryDew said...

I need more friends. It is hard to make them when you seldom leave the house, though. :-) I am grateful for the ones I have.