I'm participating in this blog's Tuesday Four meme because I liked the questions this week and I'm waiting for a phone call so have time to post.
The photo the blogger used for a windy day looks more like autumn so I changed the image to a more spring-like one.
March, they say, comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. It is called the windy month like Chicago is called the windy city!
1. Has March come in like a lion or a lamb in your neck of the woods?
Here in eastern NY, it was kind of both...the first few days were like a lion and then more like a lamb...mild, sunny and now we're having a sunny day with temps in the 50s with tomorrow's forecast in the 60s and very windy. Typical March weather for the Northeast: up and down and changes often!
2. There have been some awful storms of late.. have you suffered through them or have you ever suffered through a very bad storm in your life? (if so we wish you well)
We live in the Northeast where hurricanes are super rare and where we thankfully don't have to worry about tornadoes. We had a some rain on and off all day yesterday but not any major storms this month.
3. Spring begins March 20th and ends with summer on June 20th this year. Any plans for Spring in general? How about the spring holidays?
Spring is wonderful in New York if you don't mind mud season! General plans: finish sanding then painting the deck; leading 3 hikes this month beginning the first day of Spring (Thursday!!) and then leading one hike a week in April. General spring cleaning of the house/yard/garage/shed. Easter of course. And in May, my husband and I are flying to New Mexico (2nd time for him, first for me) to help celebrate our nephew's law degree and then extend the stay as a vacation with Dave's brother and sister in law. Yes, we have one desert hike planned outside Albuquerque. Before Summer officially starts, we will be in Maine for a week exploring Portland.
4. What are your favorite springtime flowers? Trees or shrubs?
My absolute fave flowers for Spring were always lilacs..my entire life...until I went through menopause 10 years ago and discovered I am now allergic to them! I also love tulips (must be the Dutch in me) and we actually live north of Albany which is known for being the city of Tulips. There is a Tulip Fest every May that lasts for 3 days. Other spring-time faves are the delicate mayflowers all over the Adk and also trillium (which I believe is on the NYS endangered list). I also love crocuses!
Apple blossoms are gorgeous in the Spring here in New York and our state has an abundance of them. We personally have two gorgeous...very old...cherry trees in our front yard that bloom every May. I do love those.
How about a song with a springtime theme to it that you enjoy?
Well being classically trained, I guess I'd go with "Spring" from The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Also, Today was a Fairy Tale by Taylor Swift. and of course that old classic April Showers by Bing Crosby. and of course to represent my relationship with Christ the 1970s classic The Easter Song by 2nd Chapter of Acts
What about you?? which song resonates with you the most?? Please share in the comment section
1 comment:
Hello, I'm glad you decided to participate in Tuesday 4 this week. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. It sounds like you gave a very busy Spring season. Enjoy every moment. It's my favourite time of year.
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