"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

15 March 2025

St Patrick's Theme Nine Meme

I have many friends who are Irish and one college friend moved to Ireland after he retired from teaching vocal music at a university out in western NY.  He recently passed away so I'm dedicating this Saturday meme to him. Also, my very best childhood friend is Irish so I grew up learning alot about Irish customs. I'm participating in today's Saturday 9 in honor of Brian and Cheryl. 

Saturday 9: Southside Irish (1984) Join in by heading here. 

Not familiar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1. This week's song was chosen because it's something of an anthem in Chicagoland around St. Patrick's Day. Can you name another song that makes you think of St. Patrick's Day or Ireland?

Molly Malone (known as the "anthem of Dublin")
2. The Irish Choir sings that the "craic" is always best among the Windy City Irish. "Craic" is Irish for "fun" and "high spirits." Are you planning anything fun this weekend?

today we may dash up to the Maple Fest to the north of us if the rain holds off.  Tomorrow after church we are going with our 2 daughters to see the musical Wizard of Oz at my niece's high school to the north of us. 

3. They tell us that their fathers came over from Mayo, Cork and Donegal. Where did your ancestors hail from?

On my mom's side:  Holland and Germany
on dad's side: France and a Northeast Native American tribe

4. The lyrics mention the rivalry between Chicago's two baseball teams. As Spring Training 2025 draws to a close, how do you feel about your baseball team's chances this season?
NO idea how the Red Sox are doing and hubby is involved in something up in his work office so I can't ask him. But of course, being the good NYers against the Yankees that we are, we are hoping the Red Sox do well this year. 
5. The Chicago River is dyed green in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Does your community do anything to special for the holiday?

Not the town I live in as far as I know (a northern suburb of the capital city of NY, Albany) but Albany has a HUGE St Patrick's Day parade today.  Albany has a large Irish population similar to Boston. 
6. While this week's song focuses on the Irish population of Chicago, it's not the U.S. city with the highest percentage of citizens of Irish ancestry. According to the 2020 census, Boston is #1. Have you ever been to Boston?

Of course we've been to Boston! multiple times a year sometimes.  Dave is from south shore and our oldest daughter went to Gordon College on the north shore. We love Boston. Much preferred over NYC. 

7. On Monday, which is St. Patrick's Day, do you plan to wear green?

maybe?? When I was teaching I would wear a tee shirt that has shamrocks all over it. 

8. Clovers are a recognized symbol of St. Patrick's Day, and a four-leaf clover is believed to bring good luck. Have you ever seen a four-leaf clover?

Actually it's the shamrock that is the symbol and yes shamrocks are a type of clover. However, shamrocks always only have 3 leaves. Most Americans don't know this.  And yes, I've found  several 4 leaf clovers in the past: in my childhood home backyard in central NY and my oldest daughter  found one in our backyard here in eastern NY when she around 8 yrs old.  Here is some factual info about shamrocks vs clovers. 

9. Black coffee with whiskey and whipped cream is Irish Coffee. What's your standard coffee order?

French roast or sumatra roast with a splash of almond milk, one pump of cinnamon. 


songbird's crazy world said...

I’m a SUNY Albany alum, haven’t been up that way in years, but I do remember …

my younger daughter applied to several colleges in Boston (but wound up at Fordham) so I spent a lot of time in that city

CountryDew said...

Loved the lesson on Shamrock & 4-leaf clover.

Linda said...

Well, let's see, my husband is Irish with some Scottish mixed in. Actually, his great grandfather got kicked out of Ireland for being a drunkard and was sent to Scottland, LOL. Wishing you a lovey day, Faith. smiles

Stacy said...

Boston was a beautiful city from what we saw. I would love to go back and have time to explore.

The Gal Herself said...

Cinnamon makes everything better, doesn't it? I don't know if it's the taste or the scent, but I enjoy it so!