Apparently the Sunday Stealin' meme is back and I'm waiting around for my husband so thought I'd participate today while waiting. Join in by heading here to the host.
1. Where were you three hours ago?
3 hours ago it was 7:45 so I was in the family room sipping a cup of coffee and reading my morning meditation.
2. Make a confession.
I love snickers bars. rarely eat them. but oh when I do....!!
3. Bad habits?
hm...not sure...maybe a bit of a shopaholic
4. Favorite color?
Cerulean blue
5. Can you drive?
I live in the capital region of NYS. Of course I can drive.
6. 3 pet peeves:
lying/dishonesty; gum smacking; gossip
7. Last person you hugged.
My husband
8. Something you miss
having Obama in the White House
9. What song is stuck in your head at the moment
Worthy. It's a song we're practicing for our Easter Choir.
10. Favorite quote.
Good Lord, sooooo broad of a subject. There are so many good quotes. A better way to ask it would be more specific such as fave quote from a movie, from a book, from a president, etc etc. But since we are just asked fave quote I'll stick to one of my all time faves from Les Miserables and penned by Victor Hugo
"to love another person is to see the face of God"
11. Favorite band.
Again with the generalities! Fave pop band?? fave country band? fave marching band? rock band? I guess I'm going with Queen
12. Something you're excited for
HIKING SEASON!! (mid-April through mid-December)
13. Favorite movie.
Again, what genre??? All time faves are Casablanca and Citizens Kane.
but I also absolutely love Breakfast at Tiffany's; Schindler's List, Dead Poet's Society. The creator of these questions needs to be more specific. hahaha
14. What type of phone do you have?
iphone of course cause Apple.
15. Favorite Animal:
Can you choose just one fave movie??
Hi Faith, I enjoyed reading your post. Have a great Sunday!
Fun post. I like Snickers bars too. Have a good Sunday!
Oh I love Snickers!! I can't name just one movie. It's not possible I think!
Nope on Snickers and Obama (lol--like you knew I would say that about the latter) and Sound of Music for my favorite movie. I hope you have a beautiful week ahead. smiles
Can't go wrong with Queen as a favorite band!
I too like Snickers but haven't had one in years although I have been into peanut butter M&M's. I enjoyed reading all of your answers. Hope you have a great day.
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