What path of life is your teen on? My "almost 14 year old daughter, that volatile age!" appears to be on the straight and narrow path. But is she really?? What about my 8 year old daughter? The more I observe them in their daily lives, the more I see my self! WHOA! I guess that is normal. I don't mean I see physical characteristics. I am seeing heart attitudes, character, values. Sometimes they are positive and sometimes.....um....negative. YIKES! but...that is all a part of growing.
We are doing a devotion book for girls together and the first devotional is about our path of life; do we walk the narrow or the wide? The wide is so tempting for people today.Girls, especially ages 9-16, hear that R rated movies won't really hurt them, that trying drugs and alcohol is "cool", that cheating is ok if you don't get caught, that life is "more fun" on the broad path. FALSE!
My children seem to get this. BUT....will it last once they are out on their own? I know some "sowing of wild oats" is normal. Rebellion is a form of sin. Not all teens rebel. Those that do, often do so while at home and parent(s) can still rein them in. BUT...some do rebel later on and often end up getting very hurt, emotionally and spiritually. SO....my goal this summer is to really instill a devotional time of teaching with my girls so that like it says in Proverbs "train up a child in the way that he should go and he will not depart from it" (summary). I often will ask my girls "do you think God is happy with that choice?" my daughters verse of the week is from Matthew 7:13&14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But, small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
I want my daughters to be among the few.
We are doing a devotion book for girls together and the first devotional is about our path of life; do we walk the narrow or the wide? The wide is so tempting for people today.Girls, especially ages 9-16, hear that R rated movies won't really hurt them, that trying drugs and alcohol is "cool", that cheating is ok if you don't get caught, that life is "more fun" on the broad path. FALSE!
My children seem to get this. BUT....will it last once they are out on their own? I know some "sowing of wild oats" is normal. Rebellion is a form of sin. Not all teens rebel. Those that do, often do so while at home and parent(s) can still rein them in. BUT...some do rebel later on and often end up getting very hurt, emotionally and spiritually. SO....my goal this summer is to really instill a devotional time of teaching with my girls so that like it says in Proverbs "train up a child in the way that he should go and he will not depart from it" (summary). I often will ask my girls "do you think God is happy with that choice?" my daughters verse of the week is from Matthew 7:13&14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But, small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
I want my daughters to be among the few.
Something else to consider, Faith, is to use every opportunity (meal times, walks, the times when they share about their day, etc) to tie the everyday to serving the Lord.
Here is an example: my Son was complaining about doing his chores, so I asked him why he was doing chores. His response was that it was because I wanted him to. I brought the conversation back to the scripture, pointing out that we are to do all things "heartily" as to the Lord and not to men.
This has become a "hook" for me to remind each one of us (including myself) that that is the goal in what we all do - glorifying the Lord Jesus!
Sometimes I "preach" and sometimes I just share what I have been musing on myself. Also, I share what the Lord has been speaking to me out of His word and then I ask each of the children what they have been learning. This opens up great discussions and it also gives another opportunity to encourage bible reading, meditation and memorization.
The other benefit is that they are seeing me live out my walk with the Lord. I am modeling for them what I want to see them do. Instead of setting down a "rule" or something.
Just some thoughts I have been musing on lately, myself.
Yes thanks for your comments! I like to find those teachable moments my self! But I am finding that the girls are not reading the Word unless prompted or doing their Sunday School/lifegroups work so that is the main reason I bought this faithgirlz devotion book. It is great as it gives them ideas of what to pray for regarding the lesson and gives them other Scriptures to look up to go with the Scripture of the day. It is good for the 3 of us to do this together.
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