"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

22 July 2007

Here are the lyrics to a great song we sing at our church. It is from the "Cry Holy" cd by SonicFlood and written by Marty Sampson. It is titled "God is Great". Maybe you sing it at your church! It is a wonderful song and was on my heart today so I wanted to share it with my friends!
All creation cries to You
worshipping in spirit and in truth
glory to the faithful one
Jesus Christ, God's Son
All creation gives you praise
You alone are truly great
You alone are God who reigns for eternity
God is great and His grace fills the earth
fills the heavens
and Your name will be praised through all the world
God is great, sing His praise
all the earth, all the heavens
'cause we're living for the glory of Your name
All to you, oh God we bring
Jesus teach us how to live
let Your fire burn in us
that all may hear and all may see
holy is the Lord
the whole earth sings

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