Here are the things that made me smile today:
- a little boy from class today who finally learned to type his name correctly during computer lab
- the morning sunlight shining through the stand of maple trees on a country road I drive on to work
- my 8 yr old reading from her Nancy Drew novel while eating breakfast...she so much reminded me of me at that age!
- the message from my husband that he left on voice mail today
- the knowledge that we have Monday off from school!
- the nice comments from new friends I have found through the blog world!
What makes you happy today? What puts a smile on your face and in your heart?
Hi Faith, The Firday's Feast is not my idea. Here is the link for it so you can do it too...
Every week it's a set of five new questions to get to know each other better! I love doing memes and do a lot of them. Someday I need to get serious and write actual posts!
I love your list today, especially the one with your daughter reading. My kids are now 20, 19 and 17. I don't know where the time went.
Something that makes me very happy today is that I get to see Donny in about two minutes on Oprah!
And what puts a smile on my heart is knowing my father is in Heaven and no longer suffering. And that if I died today I know for certain I would go to Heaven because I have accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour. And NOTHING can ever top that!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend Faith!
Love this little slice of your life today. Typing, Nancy Drew, and Monday off... woohoo! Have a blessed 3-day weekend. Hugs, e-Mom
I really liked your words on what made you smile. I loved Nancy Drew books when I was a young girl too! My oldest Granddaughter is reading them now too (she is nine).
What made me smile today - My husband was supposed to leave for the weekend on a gospel team trip, it was canceled and so we get a three day weekend with him now! He is gone right now working on my brothers heater, but... really, he is home yet. ha
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