Wow....another week has flown by! Here is my list of things that fill up my tank today:
- half day of work/school: yeah....my youngest is still in elementary school (3rd gr) and all 6 elementary schools in our district have half days today which means I have time with her this afternoon!
- Operation Christmas Child/Samaritan's Purse: today, Claire and I will eat lunch together and head out to do some fun shopping for a little girl in another country who might not have a Christmas gift if it wasn't for Operation Christmas Child. If you don't know about this wonderful ministry, go to my sidebar and click on the Billy Graham Association link. We are so thankful that we can help another child in this way! It is one of our November traditions!
- hot soup: It is a chilly, grey day here in NYS....late autumn temps have arrived. My parents actually have snow (they are in central NY)....a great day for yummy chicken veggie soup and crackers for lunch.
- for my daughter's 3rd grade teacher and her encouraging remarks at our parent-teacher conference and her patience, diligence, creativity and flexibilty....she has even added some math enrichment activities for Claire so she doesn't get so bored in math class. (and I'm thankful for the math genes from my husband because on my side of the family they certainly don't exist!)
- for straight A's on my 3rd grader's report card!!
- for warm winter slippers to slip my feet into at the end of an arduous morning
- for my co-workers and their sense of humor as we deal with 5 autistic kids and 12 typical kids all a.m. What a blessing they are to work with!
- for my Savior who makes all of the above possible!
We like to do Operation Christmas Child/Samaritan's Purse too.
You're such a joyous Mom! I love this list of things you're thankful for. Hot chicken soup and warm slippers sound perfect.
Enjoy your afternoon with your daughter. Hugs, e-Mom
Hi Faith! I am thankful today for what I call "ugly friends"! These friends are the ones that can stop by my home anytime and see me just as I am...no makeup, no washed hair, runny nose...you get the idea. My friend Bridget stopped by today to check in one me even though she risked getting my cold thingy!
Anyway, I also wanted to tell you thank you for your prayers! I am a big believer in the power of prayer. But I also wanted to let you know that it is nice to "meet" you and when I get some time I'm coming back to read all your posts. I don't want to feel left out...LOL!
I noticed where you mentioned Awana! Awana is my passion. I love it so much and can't wait to be back full time!
And one more thing and then I'll hush, you'll have to forgive me because I tend to leave looonng comments! But I am a great listener too. If you ever have a prayer request please let me know. I want to be an encouragement to others if I can.
Have a great day! Amy
Hi e-mom: thanks for stopping by and for your nice comments! Claire and I had a wonderful afternoon! It was so much fun to watch her shop for OCC. I loved every minute and am praying she takes this tradition into adulthood!
Hi Amy, THanks so much for visiting! Hope you are feeling better. I tend to leave long comments too! Last year, i was a Cubby leader for Awana and my daughter Claire was in the Sparkys for 2 years. It is an awesome program. This year we gave her the choice of either Awana (she would be in T&T) or HizKidz (our drama/dance ministry for children). She chose the drama ministry as she does ballet and now she can use her secular training for the Lord! But...we praise the Lord we found a church with Awana because it really changed her. And the Bible memorization that is required is just wonderful. We all benefitted from her being in it. I miss the Cubbies but because she is in the drama I am required to take a turn and help out with that ministry now so.....anyways, do come back and visit! I will head over to yours after dinner tonite if all is quiet on the home front! Blessings to you!
Hi Faith,
Thanks for stopping by. Hey your snack sounds good.
Loved your thankful list too. My son Jordan I talked about today had been in Special Ed all of his life.
I'm so grateful to teachers like you!
Hi Faith,
Thanks for stopping by. Hey your snack sounds good.
Loved your thankful list too. My son Jordan I talked about today had been in Special Ed all of his life.
I'm so grateful to teachers like you!
I absolutely love Operation Christmas Child. What a privelage to be able to participate in that.
You have a wonderful list. Lots to be thankful for.
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