"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

27 December 2007

It's Thursday again. Here's my list:
  • holiday vacations! I am most thankful today that since I am fighting my first head cold of the winter season, I can stay home, curl up with a good book and a steamy cup of French Vanilla coffee and just pamper my self....of course it also helps that....(see next item)
  • my self-sufficient daughters: one is 14, one just turned 9. They get their own breakfast now, own lunch, do their chores with minimal reminders and just entertain themselves so I can entertain my self!
  • family: I am thankful that both sets of grandparents could make it out this month for xmas gift exchanges and that both sets are relatively healthy and still going strong!
  • for my aunt Helen and her husband Dave: she has always been my most favorite aunt..actually the only one I really knew or saw the most often...she is a Believer as is her husband and they are excellent hosts when we have visited them in their home in Pittsburgh. We just wish they lived closer so we all can play board games with them...we have many happy memories of sitting near the xmas tree playing games....of course now I am passing that tradition down to my kids but....it isn't the same without Aunt Helen....(I am also thankful that my kids know their Great-Aunt and Great-Uncle)
  • for my new life jackets that my in-laws got dave and me for xmas! YEAH....I had no idea there were life jackets specifically for kayaks/canoes but apparently these particular LLBean ones are for kayakers....so...I am very thankful for this gift and I can't wait until April to try them out!
  • for our Savior, the Prince of Peace and the whole Reason we celebrate Christmas!
Are you thankful for any thing in particular, today??


Theresa said...

I am thankful for my two beautiful daughters, my loving husband, my mother who is so generous with her time and has taught me so much about being a mom. I am thankful for my wonderful friends who are always there for us.

I am thankful for my mother's health.

I am just overwhelmed with gratitude that God thought so much of us that He gave us the greatest gift of all in His Son, Jesus.

Theresa said...

Faith, please feel free to use the list from my blog. I look forward to reading your answers.