"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

31 December 2007

Miracle Babies

These 5 children are the grandchildren of a dear friend of mine. She is a dear sister in the Lord to me and my husband. Her daughter is also precious to us for many reasons. The babies, twins, were born one year ago very prematurely. They were only 1 lb each. Many, many Christians prayed for these babies. The women in my weekly Bible study prayed for them. My relatives who know the Lord prayed for them. My neighbor who knows the Lord prayed for them. Long distance friends who are Christians prayed for them. I cried and prayed that God would spare them and look at them today! They are thriving, they are gorgeous. Their names are Adrianna and Aaron. Aaron had needed physical therapy but praise be to God...he has been discharged from therapy! Glory to God! (and thanks Linda for sharing this pic with me!)


Theresa said...

what wonderful, wonderful news! the power of prayer is a truly amazing thing!

Susan said...

Happy New Years!

Thanks for stopping by today.

Oh, what a precious family, and what a miracle with Adrianna and Aaron!

God is so good.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I have heard myself say, "the only thing left to do is pray." I think I need to say "the first thing we should do is pray" there is so much power in prayer. Thanks for sharing!

Susanne said...

What a wonderful testimony those twins are to the power of prayer and the grace of God! One pound. I can't even imagine.

Faith said...

Yes, God is GOOD....so much prayer went up for these babies...

Homemanager said...

They ARE beautiful! The Lord is very good!

KellytheCulinarian said...

Wow, those are some very tiny babies. I can't even imagine.