"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 January 2008

Belonging Somewhere: a Local Church!

I have been reading The Purpose Driven Life Book by Rick Warren, on and off for about 2 years now! I determined in my heart (maybe a New Year's resolution?!) to finish this study book completely as well as the journal that accompanies it. My hubby got it for me for xmas about 3 years ago and I have done so much other reading that this one never was completed. I also read The Purpose Driven Church by the same author/pastor and that was very good. I read it during the time that we were praying about what church the Lord was leading us to join. We knew we had to make a change but we didn't just want to start "church hopping". We prayerfully considered the many evangelical and charismatic type churches in our immediate locale. (a northern suburb of Albany, NY). We knew right away which ones did NOT appeal to us. Ones that seemed more "entertaining" than worshipful. The Purpose Driven Church helped me to express to my husband what I believed would be good for our own family. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. It is especially good for men/women in leadership. Are earthly churches perfect? No, not a one! All churches have things that need to be worked on. Our own church is large. It's not a "mega-church" (we have about 2100 people during the weekend at our 3 services) but it is big! Therefore, couples/singles must get involved in the small group studies, various volunteer ministries, and monthly studies, in order to meet people and be known. It also helps to become a member rather than just an attender. Membership comes with some expectations, which I believe are good for Christians and the body at large.
The reason for this study is that I am currently on a chapter about being in a local church/fellowship. I like this verse from Ephesians 2: 19b (Living Bible version) "You are members of God's very own family, citizens of God's country, and you belong in God's household with every other Christian." The 2nd purpose of our lives is that we were formed for God's family, according to the author. We will have a sense of this purpose when we are attached to a living, local church! If we are disconnected from the local body, our spiritual life will wither and finally, will stop existing! I also like this quote from the book: "Jesus has not promised to build your ministry; He has promised to build His church!" Life is meant to be shared. The Bible calls this fellowship. When we have real fellowship, we can experience authenticity. (something both my husband and I desired in our new church; something we felt like we didn't always experience in our former fellowship.) We felt as though God wanted us in a body of believers where there was honesty and humility. And He answered our deepest prayer because that is exactly what we are experiencing. Beginning with our senior pastor: he is a man of great humility and his sermons are honest, thought provoking, based on the Scriptures and sometimes full of correction for all of us! In real fellowship, we can also experience mutuality. This means "the art of giving and receiving". This is really the heart of fellowship. It is building of relationships that are reciprocal, sharing responsibilities, and helping each other. I like how the author says we are not responsible for everyone in the Body of Christ but we are responsible to them.
There are many more things in this chapter that I could write about but the last thing that really struck me was that in real fellowship, we can experience mercy. A place of grace. "Fellowship happens when mercy wins over justice." And sadly to say, we didn't experience much of this in our former place, at least not to a great extent. Did we learn from our other place of worship? Yes....but...when the Lord shows you it is time for a change....don't just sit home, but pray about which local church is right for you, visit the ones that God puts on your heart, pray about where HE wants you to serve and be fed. In some cases God might want you to stay right where you are! The point is: be in a local fellowship, under a local pastor, and volunteer to use your giftings/ministry so you can serve others! We were formed for God's family!


Anonymous said...

Mega Church: Average weekend attendance is more than 2,000 people.

Large Church: Average weekend attendance is between 301 and 2,000 people.

Medium Church: Average weekend attendance is between 51 and 300 people.

Small Church: Average weekend attendance is less than 50 people

Faith said...

Dear Anon: Oh thanks for the info. I thought a mega church was considered "mega" if there were more like 5,000?? I was raised in a medium one then according to your data...we always thought it was kinda small!

Homemanager said...

Being part of a church body is so important. Being in a place where we can be challenged to walk godly, practice the disciplines of the faith, be corrected and led to truth, to be apart of a family...
When you are alone, there is no one there to encourage you when you are discouraged and there is no one there to protect your blind spots or to give you "sight"...
I think as we grow in the love of God, we also grow in loving the church. Thanks for sharing!

Susannah said...

Rick Warren is a very good pastor, IMHO. I read The Purpose-Driven Life too, and it seemed to be geared toward new believers. What an excellent introduction to the faith! My daughter read The Purpose Driven Church while on missions with a small church in England (about 100 people) and she really liked it. I should take a look at that book too. Thanks for the reminder!

Faith said...

Hi Karen: thanks for visiting! I have always been in good solid churches for the most part and much prefer the ones that are truly "purpose driven." Dave and I are so blessed to be a part of our local church....we are learning so much and the growth we see in the girls is something we had really prayed about. I pray they continue to follow Christ when they leave the nest!

Hi E-Mom: the book does seem geared towards the newly saved or one who is seeking but it also appeals to me because my 2 girls are new Believers and I am trying to teach them the truths I am reading about in this book as Warren puts things simply and is so Scripturally based!

FlipFlop Mom said...

I have this book sitting in my bedroom.. and I've only read a chapter or two...

I left my church after 10 years of service... I left because it was cold... and clique.. and that was with about 250 members.. my family had been there for so long.. and a member that was there longer than myself came up to me one day during a choir practice for my son and asked me what his name was. After 10 years I would think someone would know our names!!

It seemed I spent more time volunteering than worshipping...

Since I left the church three years ago.. if I see anyone from the church.. they ignore me and walk by me as if I didn't exist... It's painful that "Christians" act this way.. and I have blocked finding another church.. even though I know that I NEED to!! It's awful to be "shunned"

Faith said...

Dear Flip Flop Mom: thank you for your honesty! I too, along with my husband, felt as though all we were doing was serving, serving and serving and not getting really fed. We were in a church that would be considered a medium size I guess, but it was an inner city church in a city across the river from where we live here in the suburbs. When we were first married (we had both been singles in the same church/grad students for about 3 years before getting engaged), we definitely had a "vision" for inner city ministry. but over the years we lost our full time pastor and he was never replaced. We both felt like that was the reason for our lack of personal growth, although I know we need to learn on our own, it is important to also be under a Pastor. We also were desiring more children's events/activities/Bible clubs/youth group and that wasn't really happening either other than Sunday School. basically, some of what you are feeling, is stuff we also experienced. We also have been "shunned" to a degree by people who were once very close to us! we cannot understand it. It was hard to leave but we needed to for our own spiritual growth as well as our daughters. We are now in a "purpose driven church" that is evangelical with a pastor who is full time, a youth pastor who is full time and several small groups and children's ministries to keep us growing as well as serving. It is now a delight to attend church again when for years it was drudgery. I could go on but I won't because I don't want to demean another body of Believers. We did experience some good stuff in our former one but after a time, we really did feel like all we were doing was serving. Now we have a healthy balance. I pray you seek the Lord in a decision about which local church would be good for you. And if you never read The Purpose Driven Church, I highly recommend it!