"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

25 January 2008

Friday's Feast

How many times per day do you usually laugh?

It depends! If my girls are doing something silly, I join right in with them and laugh away. If my husband is in one of his corny moods (he has quite the sense of humor.....you would have to know him to know what I mean)we could laugh all evening. I like to try and live out the verse from Proverbs: "a cheerful heart is good medicine"

What do your sunglasses look like?

They are super cool...I don't have a pic of them...but...they are black, large and have diamonds on the side (well, ok not real diamonds...more like glittery fake jewels...my 9 yr old calls them diamonds).. and I haven't really needed them much this week so have no idea where they are at the moment

You win a free trip to anywhere on your continent, but you have to travel by train. Where do you go?

Acadia National Park of course! (oops...well, let's pretend there is a railroad track going across the water to Mt. Desert Island)

Main Course
Name one thing you consider a great quality about living in your town/city.

ummmm.....all the retail shops? all the colleges and bars? Oh wait...all the state government people??....Oh, I know! The fact that we are within 30 minutes of some of the best mountains on the East Coast: the Adirondacks, the Catskills, the Berkshires and the Green Mountains...ok, can you tell why I chose to live here after grad school?? I love the hiking that is so close to us!!

If the sky could be another color, what color do you think would look best?

Give me a break! Why in the world would God have created it to be any other color but BLUE!!! (yeah, I know...I love blue, it's my fave....but really...come on....) btw: my 14 year old just told me she thinks it should be pink...and not just at sunset or sunrise...she would like shocking pink all the time!


Susanne said...

I love the mountains too, but have to get more into hiking. I've developed at bit of a fear of running into a bear.

Faith said...

HI Susanne: I'm laughing my head off because the only time I ever encountered a bear, was when I disobeyed my daddy as a 12 yr old and crossed the creek way behind our camp and lo and behold...a mama and her 2 cubs...let's just say I lost my sneaker in the creek, lied about it, daddy found it and knew right away what had happened. My kids love this story as I use it to "teach" the reasons for obeying with out question! LOL
Seriously, it is rare to come upon a bear as most hikers do make enough noise while on the trail. Of course, we carry whistles too so....