"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

04 January 2008

I found this fun meme from Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

1. Five things found in my room (am in the "office" part of our basement so I'll tell what I see here)

  • 2 computers/printer
  • Graduate school textbooks (3 shelves of them! that belong to Dave and I )
  • the wine rack
  • kayak paddles
  • a shelf of Bibles, reference and concordance books

2. Five things I've always wanted to do.

  • hike to the summit of Mt. Marcy, the tallest peak in NYS
  • tour Paris and the south of France
  • eat croissants and cafe au lait on the left bank of the Seine
  • camp on, and tour, Prince Edward Island
  • hike/climb all the mountains in the Adirondacks that have firetowers (have done 5, have 16 left)

3. Five things found in my bag. (I'm assuming this means purse)

  • wallet
  • lipstick
  • dry cleaner stub for 14 year old's winter coat
  • compact
  • checkbook

4. Five things in my wallet.

  • driver's license
  • AAA card
  • Adirondack Mountain Club membership card
  • 2 yearbook pics of both daughters
  • $5.00 bill

5. Five things I'm currently into.
  • Reading books about kayaking in the Adirondacks
  • Sims 2 Pets game (hey...my daughter got me into it!)
  • French Vanilla coffee in late afternoon
  • Finishing up The Purpose-Driven Life Book
  • playing Skip-Bo with my 9 year old so she spends less time on Webkinz!
So.....there you are! If ya wanna play, grab it and leave me a comment and I'll come by for a visit!


Susannah said...

I enjoyed this! We share a lot of similarities. Touring PEI, eh? Are you an Anne of Green Gables fan? Yes, it's fun to sit in sidewalk cafes in Paris. Try a croque-monsieur sandwich while you're there.

I received a book called Easy Kayaking Basics for Christmas two years ago (at my request). It still sits on my bookshelf unread! We do saltwater kayaking here in the PNW. I would imagine you kayak on freshwater lakes in the Adirondaks.

I don't know a thing about those computer games your kids are into. Oh well. :~D

Susanne said...

Hey, I'll meet you in Paris for a coffee and croissant!

This was a fun meme. To do and to read other's answers.

Faith said...

Hi E-Mom: thanks for stopping by! Yes, my oldest daughter and I enjoy reading Anne of Green Gables. She read them in 4th grade and was really into them. My MIL made her 2 dolls (raggedy ann style) and made them Anne and Gilbert. they are gorgeous and will be family heirlooms!
We saltwater kayak when we are at the T-----family beach house on cape cod. I prefer freshwater lakes in our area (Adirondacks and Green Mts.) because I am not a strong swimmer...I actually prefer the "wilderness" lakes where power boats are not allowed.

Susanne: I would LOVE to meet you in Paris....:)

tali said...

Hi Faith, I would do this but I can't answer 2 of the questions :) The only bag I have these days is a baby bag, full of baby supplies. I don't have a wallet, because I keep what I need in the pocket of a my baby bag...my mobile phone, money and an card.
Enjoyed reading yours.

Faith said...

Tali: thanks for stopping by. Good to hear from you! I remember those days of just having a baby bag....I kinda miss those days!