"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

01 February 2008

Wow! Drove home from work this a.m. in a sleet/freezing rain storm. Was in a grumpy mood as didn't want to be on the road with weather so bad so now my Fri. afternoon errands are not getting done. Am still fighting a headcold although today was better than yesterday. Came down to our basement office and saw this award from E-Mom! This made my day!
My goal is to encourage new believers, new moms, moms with children in public schools, and to also have "fun stuff" on here for any woman or teen girl. I also like to share thoughts about life as a Christian and what the Lord might be teaching me to pass on to others. I have loved getting to know various women in the blogworld; however, I am supposed to pass this on to 10 other people, and since I don't know that many, I am choosing 3 that I believe have blogs of excellence:
  • Living to Tell the Story: Susanne is someone whom I greatly admire. She is a full time working mom, works with preschoolers (yeah!!) and has awesome devotional type posts that I really learn from. I love her wisdom, love her book list, (!) and love reading about all that she is involved in.
  • Riverbend Ramblings: Mrs. C (I don't know her first name) is someone I came across from another friend's blog. I loved her various pictures and what really impressed me was a post she did about how her family has an actual "school building" on their property! She is a full time stay at home mom who homeschools her 4 children. I know alot of women who choose to homeschool and write about it and she is the only woman I "know" who has an actual classroom for her kids to learn in! Since I am a teacher, this really impressed me so I award her with this excellence award! And she is also a pastor's wife and has excellent, thought-provoking posts about the Lord and her walk with Christ.
  • Fox Family Fun: I just "met" Jennifer recently and I love how her blog is full of pictures of her 2 darling boys. Since I only have 2 daughters, I actually enjoy reading about her life with her men. She is much younger than me, but we have alot in common and I am happy to "know" her. She is a stay at home mom with both children in school and she also writes about life as a Christian in today's world. Her blog is cheerful and bright!
So: if you haven't gone over and visited these ladies yet....head on over...blogs of excellence!


Susannah said...

Again, congratulations! I know one of these blogs, but not the others. Will pop over to visit.


e-Mom @ Chrysalis

Faith said...

Hi E-Mom: again Thanks so much! I was so pleasantly surprised!

Jennifer said...

Hey Faith...
Thank you sooo much for the Blogger Award!!
Who cares if I already got one...this one means just as much to me =-)
Like I told Amy....It flatters me that someone enjoys reading my blog beside myself. =-)

I will post this award along with a link to your site.
I read yours everyday too!!

Have a great weekend!
Jennifer =-)

Susanne said...

Again, thank you, Faith! What nice comments. I am very humbled. And congrats for you recieving it also.

I'm off to check out the other two.