My 14 year old was the first one out of the car...we are on River Road in the town of Benson. I think the population is like 50 this time of year? Seriously, it is just a spot in the road, so to speak. It is a bit north of Northville, NY where my family had a camp from the time I was born until the late 1970's. My paternal grandmother and grandfather had a home just about 2 miles to the south of these waterfalls. It was a wonderful place to spend the summer. My children have completed many hiking trips in this part of the Adirondack mountains. It is one of the more remote regions of the Park. (Silver Lake Wilderness Region). As you can see, the road is not even paved. Since there is no official trailhead for this waterfalls the guide book just calls it the "Falls along River Road"
This is the shot I like the best. The water was so pure and clear. It was so tempting to just cup our hands and drink of this delight from the Lord, but...wisdom and past experience said NO! It used to be, when I was a kid, that we would drink out of a stream...but...because of giarrdia ("beaver fever") concerns and acid rain, and who knows what else, we have trained our children to never drink from wooded streams or ponds/lakes/springs. The roar really was impressive. We plan on stopping back in July to see how different the waterfall will be just a trickle.....
This cascade is just over 40 feet in height. It rises on the east shoulder of Cathead Mountain which we would love to hike, but..the property owners who have land on part of the mountain will no longer let anyone cross their line to get to the trailhead....many of us ADK hikers are so not happy with them! I am saddened to know that my daughters will never get to hike that mountain. SO...we just enjoyed the waterfall.
My oldest daughter took this pic of my sister Hope, and I. Hope is the one on the left. I am the one wearing the hiking sweatshirt....well...hey...I had forgotten there would be snow in the woods. I praise God that the sun was out full blast and the temps were in the high 50's.
I took this, standing on the road, with the Sacandaga River behind me, and the waterfall in front of me. It was roaring....this is from the snow melt of Cathead Mountain. In late spring and summer it is merely a trickle. Didn't God do great work??
Claire thought it would be funny to take off her shoes and pretend to be walking on the snow barefoot. BRR. But...I think she really wanted to show off those adorable pink toenails!
Yeah, ok. Courtney thought she'd be funny and get in the driver's seat to drive us home. NOT! She did remind me, however, that at this time next year, she will have just 3 months left until she can apply for her learner's permit. I am So. Not. Ready. For. That. However, I took her pic and then we all climbed back in to head down the mountain road and back towards suburbia......and planning for a real hike...which around our house means sometime in mid-May...the snow should be gone by then!
Faith, I love the waterfall pictures. I am laughing out loud about Courtney in the driver's seat I was thinking oh my it won't be that long till she is driving your car, I highly recommend asking your dr for a xanax prescription :0)
Erin: yeah, I told Dave " how about she learns on the Honda" I am gonna go nuts...then again, if she can steer a horse she can steer a car...hopefully the car won't throw her like the horse used to!
Hey, I enjoyed all the pictures, especially of you and your sister!
So sad that the trailhead is available for you to get to now. I would think that there has to be a public access somewhere. Everywhere up here we have to have public access.
... not availabe to you..., that's what it was supposed to read.
WOW! I really enjoyed hearing about your mountain trip. We went to Burlington, VT as a last attempt to save our son's life back in November of 06. It was BEAU-T-FUL! The flight in was AMAZING! I remember hearing about the Adirondack Mountains when we were there. I'm wondering if those were some of the ones we could see from where we were? Hmm... Oh well...
You live in a BEAUTIFUL part of the world. (I guess you know that huh?) =-) We live in North Central Mississippi and although it's beautiful here... it fails in comparison to the beauty we saw when we flew in.
THANKS SO MUCH for leaving a message on my blog.. it was SO NICE to "meet" you! =-)
I just love the pictures and makes me want to get out to the mountains. not far behind C...on the driving...hard to believe...
Beautiful pics, Faith!
I'm glad you guys had such a good time.
Beautiful pictures.
Love the pictures. Reminds me of our many trips to the Adirondacks!
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