"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 April 2008

A Fun Work Day!

I give the Lord God thanks for this beautiful week of sunshine, warm temps and my 9 yr old daughter who is growing up to be a kind, loving, tender-hearted girl. I thank Him for people who have made this day possible. I am thankful for my husband who has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and doesn't mind that I work a part time job...in fact, he encourages me in every endeavor. I thank Him for my teen daughter who is responsible, obedient, loving, sensitive to others. And I am thankful for the following:

"Take Your Daughter to Work Day" was a huge success!

Claire loved meeting my co-workers and the children in the class.

She said she liked Mr K-----, the head teacher, because "he is young and not crabby"!

She especially liked watching me as I dealt with the 2 autistic children (a girl who is fairly high functioning, and a boy who is just learning to speak well and write). She said she was tired at the end of the 3 hours. I reminded her that teachers are there all day and sometimes in to the evening. Like I used to be. Until I chose to be a teacher assistant.

She has a new respect for teachers but she says she doesn't think she wants to be one.
She thinks she wants to be a speech pathologist! (hey...it's in the field of special ed!)

After our morning, I treated her to lunch at Friendly's.
We drove home, changed into "play clothes" and headed to one of our town parks down in the south part of the town. It is a fairly new park.
It was packed with joggers, bikers, power walkers, roller-bladers and of course Mommy's with their preschoolers.

She and I walked/jogged around the pond; watched the ducks; sat in the sun; sat in the shade; drove home.
I reminded her my teaching job was done for the day; my other job (mom/wife) was still going. She watched me do a load of laundry, answer some emails, bring in the recycling bins, answer a phone call, and start another load of laundry. She decided to rest on the couch with a video...I think she had a little too much sun......so....
around our house, tonite will be early to bed...and....
tomorrow she can begin writing the essay about her day with mom!


Anonymous said...

I brought my daughter to work with me yesterday also! So did the other 3 aides in my classroom, they all brought their girls in also. It was such a great experience. My daughter really enjoyed it, she got to have a lot of interaction with my students,and got to visit my husband's class for 2 class periods also since we teach at the same school. She also got to experience cafeteria duty with hubby.
Sounds like you two had a wonderful day together. Glad the weather cooperated for your time in the park. And it's good that you could make sure she saw you other important mommy job. :)

Susan said...

Hi Faith,

Oh, how special! So blessed your daughter had such a great time with you at work. She is precious.

Thanks so much for your prayers and words of encouragement too.

That book looks really good, I think I'll order it.

Have a blessed weekend♥

Denise said...

I really enjoyed your thankful thursday list, bless you sweetie.

eph2810 said...

How neat that your daughter joined you on your work-day. It is so true though - even when we get home from a work-place, it doesn't mean that we can just kick back :) I think your daughter got a new appreciation of all you do - at work and at home...

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this past week.

Be blessed today and always...