"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

11 May 2008

The first-born, age 14, known as drama queen & bookworm

The baby, age 9, known as boochie-girl & dancer

It is the greatest honor for me to be these girls' mom.
I cannot imagine my life without these blessings from God.


Susannah said...

Two beautiful girls! Such a blessing for your life.

Happy Mother's Day, Faith.

e-Mom @ Chrysalis

Connie Marie said...

Both, beautiful blessings!

Susanne said...

Lovely, lovely girls!

Jennifer said...

Very very pretty girls.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of them.

Anonymous said...

What lovely pictures. I think they look alike!!! :) Love their smiles.

Homemanager said...

Faith, C looks just like you! At first I thought it was a picture of you when you were younger! They both have grown so!!