"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 May 2008

Worth It

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Sold as Book #2 in the series by C.S.Lewis
A definite "must -see"

Saturday at noon we met some people from our church's Youth Center Ministry (adult volunteers and teens) and we all went to the first matinee....to save $ of course! My oldest was so excited as she loves the series...she read all the books in the 4th grade and has done book reports on a couple of them. My youngest came with us since she is old enough to see it in the movie theater. Dave had read the book aloud to her when she was 7. She saw the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe with us at home so we could pause it and explain the movie since it is an allegory of Jesus, our relationship with Him, etc. Of course most of the people we know outside of the church don't see it that way at all...they just think of it as a fantasy movie. That's ok I guess. I think Disney actually has done a very good job with keeping most of the books' main ideas in the movies.

This was one of my favorite scenes, of course. I won't explain here why it is my favorite. To find out, you can email me! This is the scene where Aslan (Jesus) first tells Lucy "but things never happen the same way twice."

When I googled "Prince Caspian" I was led to the following quote:

"The two major themes of the story are courage and chivalry (this is Narnia's Civil War story) and, as Lewis himself said in a letter to an American girl, "restoration of the true religion after corruption".

The new Narnia can be seen as a parallel to the modern world, in which old beliefs are scoffed at. "Who believes in Aslan nowadays?" asks Trumpkin when he first meets Caspian. Those who "hold on", like the badgers, are praised: this links with Lewis's views on religious faith." (taken from Wikipedia)

We loved the first movie so much that we bought the DVD so we could own it and watch it again. I predict we will be buying this one as soon as they release it!

If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it.

Our local news gave it a rating of **1/2, but we think it is a **** out of 5.

I do NOT recommend it for children under the age of 8. It is rated PG but there is quite a bit of violence. Some of it is silly and rather predictable but....still violent.


Susanne said...

We loved the first one and have been looking forward to going to this one to see it on the big screen too. Haven't got around to it yet though.

Amy said...

Saw the movie Friday night! I liked the first one better, but really enjoyed this one too. Believe it or not I haven't read the books! My husband read them to the kids when they were younger while I would be catching up on housework. I wish I would have stopped to listen too!

Faith said...

Susanne: GO! It is worth the money...we jus couldn't wait for it to come out on DVD...I love seeing good movies on the big screen! LOL

Amy: Well, it's never too late to read the books..I am re-reading them as I suspect Disney may crank out more of these flicks.