"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

16 August 2010

Simply Savor the Savior

I've been thinking lately of the simple things in life.

  • A steaming mug of coffee on the deck in the morning summer sun.
  • Watching my youngest daughter jump into a mountain lake.
M and Claire (my youngest)
jump into Lake George
from Bolton Landing beach
Adirondacks 8/14/10

  • Fireflies
  • Dragonflies
  • Scent of a light summer rain on fresh mowed grass

  • Arms raised in worship

And the words of Jesus:  "I have come as a Light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness."  John 12:46

Sometimes I get so caught up in the busy-ness of my life as a mom, wife, teacher, friend, church volunteer.  Sometimes I neglect the chance to just stop, breathe, and take in the wonder of His world.

I have friends who lead a simple life.  They have been an example to me over the years and I try to instill some of their lifestyle in to my own family's lifestyle.  

We have noticed (my husband, children and I) that our television is rarely on.  (this is a good thing!!).  We don't have cable so that makes it much easier.  My daughters are into other endeavors.  We do have family movie nites, especially during the winter months/weekends.  

But.....we tend to get caught up in all the texting, facebook, blogging, phone, dashing here and there from one activity to another...and yet....the Lord wants us to stay restored, refreshed, and rested.

Sometimes that is hard to do in this fast-paced American society of ours, isn't it?

So...this summer, now that our college visits are complete for awhile, I have determined in my heart to stop and enjoy the simple things.
Yes...we are IN this world, as Believers.  But we are not to be OF this world.
We need to be set apart.
This means spiritually of course....but sometimes...I think it is nice to even set apart some time away from all the technology, etc.  From all the drama of life and just.....be.

Yes, life is going to be busy again once school starts up on September 8th.
The oldest daughter faces college essays, art portfolio, university in the high school courses as well as the rigorous Honors program classes plus extra classes she chose to take. She is an officer in a club, a student leader in another club, plays in the orchestra, and also has her youth group activities/volunteer work.
My youngest has school and all that 6th grade entails including Orchestra, a club or 2, the 6th grade musical, 3 dance classes per week, plus youth group.
My husband is writing and waiting to hear from publishers, besides working, home repair projects, the junior high youth group and his high school boys' group he teaches.  
I face returning to the classroom as a part time teacher assistant, managing the home and girls' extracurricular activities, volunteering once a month in the junior high youth group, and I begin teaching/leading a small group for women in September. I am also leading/hosting the Moms in Touch group for our school district.
It seems daunting.  It seems hectic.  But...it is just the time of life we are in.
We have 2 active daughters following honors classes. We are in a busy church with so many different ministries and areas to serve in and be a part of.

But...God is showing me to slow down.  To taste the simpler lifestyle.  To be content with what I have now, and with where we are now....and I don't just mean our neighborhood/house/material goods.

To be free in soul.  To be unencumbered by worry.  To have deep,inner peace and confidence.  To cling to the Cross........

To savor each moment that the Savior allows........

To simply savor the Savior.......


Susannah said...

The waning days of August... aren't they great? Peace, joy and dragonflies... slowing dooooowwwwn with you.................. ღ

Cindy said...

I love your photo arms raised in worship. I often wonder if summer is short and that is why we pack so many activities in to make the most of it. I'm of the world, nicknamed after a dearfly and witness to many lightning bugs. I can sit and meditate for hours with the lightning bugs.