"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

22 August 2010

Wait for Wisdom!

I've been meditating on 3 different Psalms during these last couple of weeks.  

I've been in the 22nd-27th Psalm.  There are so many good portions of Scripture in there!
The one that has recently grabbed my attention, though, is from Psalm 25.

"Show me Your ways, O Lord;  teach me Your paths.  Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation;  on You I wait all the day."  Psalm 25: 4&5

Waiting on God.

Are you anything like me?  Patience is supposed to be a fruit of the Spirit.  I am still waiting for that fruit to ripen in my life!! 
I am not a patient person unless I am working in the classroom.  I am patient with little children, with my own children, with my husband, and with my friends.    I'm not patient in the driving frenzy of the Capital Region of New York, which is where I live, nor am I patient in long lines.  I always seem to have to be busy doing something.  And no...I don't have Attention Deficit Disorder!
And....I am certainly NOT patient for certain things in my life that I know God wants to prune, or change, or mold.

But...God is teaching me recently to just be PATIENT.  To wait on His Word and be IN His Word.
To carry everything to Him in Prayer.  To just TALK with Him.
And then wait.
For His answer.  For His Wisdom.

I remember when I was teaching full time (late '80s/early 90's) in the inner city pre-K.  I had 10 special needs preschoolers.  They were so full of curiosity about nature.  I remember most of those 4 & 5 year olds were so fragile, emotionally, due to past abuse. One autumn, I was adding a butterfly unit to my science curriculum.  I ordered caterpillars, etc. and as we watched the caterpillars become chrysalis', the children had to be told over and over to "be patient"; we will soon see beautiful butterflies".  Sure enough, after awhile, most of the chrysalis' brought forth beautiful butterflies.  We let them go in the woods on campus......and I remember one little girl in particular saying to me that she wished she too could just fly away.  I told her "be patient, dear C---- someday, you, too, will spread your wings and fly". I remember later that year being told she was in the hospital due to severe abuse from her biological father. I remember crying out to God and asking WHY??  Why does a father rape a young daughter, and where is the justice system??  I remember needing patience in dealing with the whole situation and with "the system". (yes, he was later arrested and custody rights taken away). I remember the impatience I had of my self in not being able to "fix" her.  but....I also remember the wisdom of God in telling me to just love her.  To love on her, and pray for her, and be there for her and her mom.  And.....years later, while in the  small inner-city church where we used to attend before our current one, seeing her (& her baby!) and her mom walk in to one of our services.  How my heart rejoiced!  And how quickly the Lord reminded me that He was now watering seeds that were so carefully planted years ago.  Patience.  The wisdom of God.

Sometimes, I have to go through the same trials over and over again.  I have often wondered why.  Until recently.  It was just the other morning that it dawned on me that I need to just allow my self to wait on God.  I have had to just learn to allow God to be in control.  Now, yes...I already know all of this....that mind knowledge is there....but....now, that knowledge is getting deeper and deeper into my heart.

The knowledge that certain aspects of my past have certain repercussions.....yet...I have no control over other people, over past circumstances, nor even over my self and my own future. Just like I had to entrust little C and her mom to God, because I couldn't "fix" them or their situation, I now have to entrust various things in my own life (or my own children's lives) to that same God.

I need to wait on God.  In doing so, I am waiting on His Wisdom.  

I am waiting for Him to show me His ways....to teach me His path...to lead me to His truth......all these things will deepen my faith.....

And that is a wise thing to do!

another article you might like is found here titled "Pleasures" I wrote this in 2007


Melissa said...

This is wonderfully said. Waiting is SO hard for us, isn't it? Even though I know that God's timing is perfect, sometimes I just want something now!

Susanne said...

The patient thing is definitely something God is constantly working on in my life!

Faith said...

Melissa: I KNOW! Depending on what I am waiting for it can be sooo difficult!

Susanne: The Lord is sooo patient with us!!