It's a Friday and that means the FAVE FIVES are listed so we can give thanks to God for blessing us with special moments, events, people, foods, or just those little things that make our days special. A great big THANK YOU to Susanne for hosting this each learn more about the FFF's, just click on the words in color: Living to Tell the Story
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Schroon Lake as seen from the summit of Severance Mountain Eastern ADKs 10 October 2010 pic by Faith E M T |
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Lynn on Severance Mt summit 10 October 2010 |
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Spectacle Brook on the trail to Spectacle Pond Pharoah Lake Wilderness Region Eastern ADKs |
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Spectacle Pond 10 October 2010 (Pharoah Mt is in background) |
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Faith at end of trail Spectacle Pond photo by Lynn E 10/10 |
A MOUNTAIN CLIMB AND DEEP WOODS HIKE with one of my best friends, Lynn.
This was a "moms only" hike...we left the hubbies and daughters home and headed up to the Eastern Adirondacks......for a Sunday of glorious weather, beautiful scenery, and a yummy dinner at this restaurant/club. After hiking to the top of Severance Mountain and back down (2.4 miles), we drove to a different part of the Eastern region (the Pharoah Lake Wilderness) and hiked a 2 mile trail to a very remote pond called Spectacle Pond. We were pretty tired coming miles hiked that day were 5.8 miles! We were only about 1 1/2 hour from our homes so decided to eat was a marvelous day and it really cemented our friendship together. Lynn was new to was her first mountain climb! She did a great job and it is so much fun having a friend who likes hiking! My neighbor and good friend, Melissa, was supposed to join us but sadly, she hurt her back the night before so couldn't hike. I am hoping she can join us the next time we head fact....I would love for any of my local friends to join us!!
COURTNEY'S CREATIONS! My oldest daughter is applying to colleges with art departments that offer Graphic Design. Two of them are Christian colleges and both have portfolio requirements as does the secular college she is looking into, of the Christian colleges has a requirement that involves completing FOUR assignments (all drawings) as part of the application process for the department. Along with these 4 drawings, she must write a 2 page essay comparing her Art with her Christianity and how it all relates. And this is the college she really wants to get into! YIKES! This is something neither Dave nor I can help her with...nor should we, if we could! She has finally begun to take ownership of this and on Sunday evening when I returned from hiking, I saw that she had completed part of the first drawing! Yeah....
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SHOPPING AND ICE CREAM CONES with my youngest daughter, Claire. While Courtney was at a mall, on Columbus Day, with friends for lunch and shopping, I took my youngest to one of her fave stores, pictured above, for new sleepwear and sweaters. There was a sale going on! Yeah...and...because it had been awhile since she and I had shopped together, I treated her to ice cream at Friendly's on the way home. We went to the take out window and enjoyed our ice cream in the warm sunshine.....I so much enjoy these special moments with my "baby"....
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Claire biking with Mom in cemetary near our house |
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Biking near our home 8 October 2010 Photo by Claire R T |
BIKING ON A WARM AUTUMN AFTERNOON. We had last Friday off from school for the long Columbus Day weekend. Friday afternoon was very nice so Claire asked if I'd bike with her outside the neighborhood. She likes to bike in the cemetary and down the country roads near our home but knows she can't go by her self. I happily donned my helmet, pumped my tires(I hadn't been on my bike since early August!) and away we went. It was a lot of fun and I had more energy to finish housework when we returned!
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Pumpkins from local farm stand on our little Amish wagon in front yard |
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Faith's late blooming cosmos(pink) and white mums in front flower bed |
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Faith's Rose Bush |
I have enjoyed my late afternoon walking work-outs this week because it gives me a chance to see neighbors' yards and autumn decor. I particularly like all the pumpkin displays I see around the neighborhood. And many flowers are still blooming due to our very mild autumn. We had a fantastic summer, weather-wise, and now we are enjoying a beautiful autumn with not a lot of rainy, damp weather (altho tonite, Thursday, it just started to rain and the temps have dropped). It is supposed to rain most of this weekend, but I don't mind because I have housework to do, books to read, a lesson plan for my small group to organize, and a family game night with my husband....all indoor kinds of things that won't be too bad with candles lit, cozy fleece loungewear, and no major obligations other than church!
What are your weekend plans?? you have a favorite moment from your past week?
Please share in the comment section.....and if you are a blogger, I'll come read your post if you participate!
"Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens!......When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?.....Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!"
Psalm 8:1, 3&4 ,9
For things that made me marvel from God's Creation this week click here.......
Coming soon: what I learned at my youngest daughter's cross country track meet......
Coming soon: what I learned at my youngest daughter's cross country track meet......
Looks like your long weekend was great, Faith! The hiking area looks lovely and how nice you were able to introduce it to a friend. That lunch menu at the restaurant looks yummy. So what did you have? :v)
I love bike riding. I haven't been in more than a month now and I miss it. We've certainly had nice weather in the last few weeks for it but I just haven't had the time.
Sounds like a great week! Time with family and friends is a gift; the chance to spend it in a beautiful place is even better! Love your photos!
Way to go, Courtney!
The restaurant menu does look tempting. I'd have to try the crab cakes, although the Bistro Burger sounds like another good choice. But the dessert list! Yum!
I so enjoyed your pumpkins on the little waggon photo.
Sometimes it is special to spend some one on one time. The ice cream looks yummy. We visited Friendly's once when we were to the US and it was very nice.
Bike riding is one of my all time favourites.
All your scenery photos make me want to move back east. A return to my roots, so to speak! (My family has a cottage just north of you in Canada.) Beautiful!
Ahh, Schroon Lake -- I've mentioned that I've been there, haven't I? My hubby spent every summer at Word of Life camp growing up.
Kudos to your daughter for her college admission progress. She'll get it done, Mom.
Sounds like you're set to enjoy a great weekend. Have a happy week ahead.
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