"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

06 March 2011

Together, Reaching Up, Staying True= TRUST!

This month's Marriage Monday topic is Trust.  
Thank you to E-mom for hosting this monthly series.

TRUST!  Just 5 little letters make up a HUGE word.....trust is often so difficult for so many people.  Even Christian people!  Sometimes circumstances in our lives violate our trust in others, in our selves, and in our Father God...most "trust" issues have a root cause such as abandonment, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, adultery, divorce, among other things.  If you don't get to the "root", you can't really get the full freedom you desire from the trust problem in your life.  However, with work, the Word and the Healing of the Father, sometimes through counseling, you can regain trust in all your relationships and with trusting God as your Father.

Let's explore the word "TRUST" as it relates to Christian marriages.

The world today has many institutions but only two of these were established by God.. These are the church and the home. Please note that it is significant that the Lord God established/created the home first!  A home starts when two people get married. In the physical world, marriage is the most important personal relationship.  We need to remember the rules God has set in place for marriage.

I like the following excerpt I found at a marriage website:

"Trust is the foundation and jewel of marriage (Proverbs 31:11). Trust is built through the WILL of Agape love (I Corinthians 13). This type of love is not of the emotional variety, but of a willingness to project one's self to their partner unselfishly, through honesty, truthfulness, integrity, understanding, openness, encouragement, etc. The combination of the willingness on the part of each to the other, produces a trust that nurtures emotional love and fulfillment that is so satisfying."
 (John H. Stoll, c. 1996)

What does trusting someone signify?

Trust, in a practical sense, means that you place confidence in someone to be honest with you, faithful to you, keep promises, vows and confidences and not abandon you. Trusting another person requires a realistic perspective about people and an expectation of failure. Trust needs to be combined with a willingness to forgive and grows best in an environment of acceptance and love.

My husband, Dave, and I trust each other.  It's that simple. (we are not perfect, though, and we do have our struggles...trust isn't really one of them) It's never been a major issue with us....at least not in the manner of worrying about the faithfulness of one another.  I praise God for that!!  However, trust does take work.  I decided to take the word "TRUST" and come up with an acronym for it.  Here's what I came up with:
Together Reaching Up Staying True

  • TOGETHER: we are husband and wife.  This is God's command for marriage.  We are united in Christ because we are both born-again believers making Christ the tie that binds us.  No, we don't do everything together...that's not what I mean (nor is that healthy!!).  We are together in spirit, in unity for our home and daughters, and in making major decisions in the marriage and in serving/worshiping in church.
  • REACHING:  we reach towards Jesus.  We strive to lead godly lives, to represent Jesus well (as our pastor would say!), and we continue to want to learn more about God and His Ways for us.
  • UP:  this is simple.  We reach UP to heaven, relying on God the Father's wisdom and strength for our marriage and daily lives.  When we face difficulties, which we have during 20 year of marriage, we try to remember to look up...what would God have us do?  Our strength as a married couple comes from God alone. We want to glorify Him in all things.  We look up.
  • STAYING:  love is a choice. We choose to stay together so we can honor God through our marriage.  Divorce is not an option for us. It never has been.  Yes, I once threatened my husband I'd walk out the door if he didn't improve in a certain area (a sin area that I can't go into at this point).  Yes, I had to get the elders involved at one point for prayer and counsel (our former church had a group of elders rather than a senior pastor).  But...the issue was worked on. And it no longer has a stronghold over my husband. We plan on staying together. It isn't a choice. (unless one of us became abusive,or adulterous and wasn't willing to repent...a whole other post!)
  • TRUE:  we took vows before God, a body of believers, family, and friends.  We take them seriously. Marriage is a true covenantWe remain true to one another because God's Word commands it. It is even one of the "10 Commandments"...marriage is talked about in the Old and the New Testaments.  It is an important institution that God has ordained.  
Marriage is a lot of work, there is no doubt about that.  Trust is a huge issue in many marriages, both secular and Christian ones.  Christian marriages need to be excellent so the world can see the higher (and better!) standard.  We need to be lights in the darkness.  If trust is a problem with you or your spouse, get help!  My husband had an issue to deal with that required a few short weeks of counseling.  I, my self, have had counseling in the past for some issues.  Everyone has baggage and a past.  But praise God, we can over come those issues by the grace and mercy of God and by repenting of sins and allowing Christ to be the Master over our households. Trust used to be a very difficult thing for me and it still is in many situations, but for some reason......the grace of God, I guess, it has never been an issue in my marriage to Dave.

If we reach up to the Father, staying true to His Word and Promises, we can learn to trust one another.

Are you willing to work??  Are you willing to yield to the One who can perfect your marriage?  If both parties are born-again believers, willing to repent of past sin or even sins you might be currently engaging in, God can heal your marriage and your hearts!  Place your trust in the One who can give you a trusting spirit for your marriage.


LittleWomen21 said...

That is a great selection of words for Trust. It reminds me of how somone once explained Christian marriage to me with the diagram of a triangle. The man and the wife are the two lower points of the triangle; God is the top point. As the man and the wife grow closer to God (move up higher toward the point of the triangle) they also grow closer to each other. It's been amazing to see this take place in my marriage. Every time I trusted God in a rough spot of marriage, I moved up - and closer to both God and my husband. But there were times when I didn't trust God for a while, I felt I was losing my rights, getting the short end of the stick, and so forth. Thank goodness God won my trust back before I had drifted to far from my husband!

Great post!

JonaBQ said...

you even came up with an acronym for trust that is so true! i'm glad that trust is also not a major issue in your marriage. thanks for the comment in my entry :D God Bless!
my Marriage Monday

Joyfull said...

Beautiful post on trust and the important foundation it lays in a marriage. Love the acronym! Thanks for sharing.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Amen! Our marriages can never be what God intended without looking to Him first. And we have to choose to stay true to our covenants. Great word today!

Miriam Pauline said...

Great acronym and wonderful advice. Thanks for sharing.

Lisa notes... said...

Such a meaty post on trust! You make so many good points and I love your acronym. Your passion comes through your page. Excellent.

Susannah said...

Trusting another person requires a realistic perspective about people and an expectation of failure. Trust needs to be combined with a willingness to forgive and grows best in an environment of acceptance and love.

I love your acronym, but I think you really nailed it with this statement above. We don't have "blind trust" in marriage, nor do we have a naive trust. As your statement says, we have a realistic perspective and we know that a times, we must be willing to forgive. Our trust really is in God and the principles he's set forth in his Word.

In the end, "we know that for those who love God ALL things work together for good (even betrayals), for those who are called according to his purpose." (Rom 8:28)

An excellent post Faith, and thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday, today.

((Hugs)) e-Mom ღ

Susanne said...

A great teaching on trust in marriage Faith. Trust is something, I think, that should never be taken for granted, but worked on for a lifetime. I love how you said at the end to trust the One who can give us a trusting spirit. He is after all, the one who is totally trustworthy.

April@The 21st Century Housewife said...

Thank you for a wonderful post, Faith! It contains such good advice, and such wise counsel. I also loved the way you used the acronym for Trust. And the last sentence "Place your trust in the One who can give you a trusting spirit for your marriage" is so, so true!

Mac an Rothaich said...

I have to say I am with emom and think the quote she took hit me too. I appreciate your perspective on this subject and felt my post alluded to similar views on trust and marriage. Thanks so much for sharing!

tonya said...

I really enjoyed your post today. I am behind a few days. :)
I agree with you that trust is work and making a marriage takes work. I lean more towards the realistic side of things and have taught my children the same. Love is a choice, not just a feeling.
Thanks for sharing,