"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

10 April 2011

Book Review #3 for Spring Reading

I just finished reading this book:

Wow...this was one excellent, and convicting, book!!

Genre:  Christian non-fiction
Author:  Francis Chan, the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Southern California

This book grabbed me right from the foreword  (written by singer/songwriter Chris Tomlin) all the way through to the end!

My husband bought it a few months ago and read it and highly recommended it.  As soon as I opened the pages I was hooked.  It took me a little longer to read it because I was savoring it!  I highlighted portions of it that either stood out to me as something that God wanted me to learn or be reminded of...or that I could use in the small group I lead.

I did alot of highlighting!  It was THAT good.

Basically, he writes about how we need to be radical for the Lord.  Crazy, as it were. He challenges us to take the Bible seriously.  The section on lukewarm Christians and what that looks like really convicted me.  Lukewarm might not be what you perceive it to be!  You might be surprised....and convicted...when you read some of his thoughts on this subject.  I learned so much about my self, about Dave and I as a couple, and about the church as a whole.  It brought me to my knees in confession of some things I am "guilty" of being lukewarm about.....and thankful that an author is this bold and blunt about Christians in today's America.

He shows us what intimacy with Jesus should look like......

I really liked how he incorporated large chunks of Scriptures within the chapters....I loved the format of the book, too as it made for a quick read and for finding areas of interest....it helped me in going back to highlight major key points.

Are you longing for an authentic faith?  for intimacy with God/Jesus?

We don't attain those by following a bunch of rules and keeping an agenda of "to do's"...rather...we need to fall in love with God.....we need to fully encounter His Love.

He closes the book by sharing some anecdotes about real people, who are heros yet are rather unknown...they haven't received status in the media, etc.  Yet they were doing HUGE things for the Lord, living radically......being crazy in love with God. And changing lives.  I was very moved by these real life stories.....I had only heard of 2 of the Christians mentioned...and I totally agree that their lives depict total crazy love for God.

I highly recommend this book to every Believer.

In my opinion it is appropriate for ages 14 and older...although it is certainly easy enough for a younger child...

So...this review is my third one from my Spring Thing Reading List.  I am currently at the beginning of One Thousand Gifts and almost finished with a secular novel (#2 in the Millennium Trilogy).  And with a gift card, I was able to purchase The Scent of Water, another Christian non-fiction book about women around the world.

Are you reading any good novels or Christian books right now?  Which ones?

Have you read Crazy Love yet?? 


Susanne said...

I finished 5 of my Spring Reading Thing list. There were some really good ones on there, including that Debbie Macomber one we talked about. It was a really easy read, I finished it in one day. I've been reviewing them over on my book blog.

This sounds really good. I know lots of bloggers who highly recommended it for every believer too. I'm going to put it on my list maybe for summer reading.

Faith said...

Hi Susanne...I'll stop by your book blog later this week....kinda hectic right now with school winding down until after Easter. YES...read Crazy Love!! It is excellent....a real "teaching" book for us Believers....the Ann Voskamp book is nice...very poetic-like...and really gets me in the mood for some creative writing. However, Crazy Love is much more "educational" about our love relationship with the Lord....2 excellent books by good authors....