"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

26 May 2011

May Fave Fives #4

It's time to find 5 favorite things from the past week.

A time to say thank you to God for the blessings He brings to us......and a huge thank you to Susanne for hosting this each week...link up over here to join in and share your faves!!

  • LETTER/Tee FOR THE PRE-TEEN:  Claire, my 12 year old was absolutely thrilled this past week to receive a package from Gordon College, where her sister will be a freshman in the fall.  She had written to them for an English writing assignment.  They had to write a business letter to a company.  She chose Gordon and wrote about how she enjoyed the special sibling activities they provided on Accepted Students Day.  While her sister and parents were schlepping around campus attending seminars, lunch and a tour, she had fun and games and a special lunch for younger sibs.  They were so impressed with her letter that they sent her a college Tee shirt.  I loved the look on her face when she read the letter and saw the shirt...it was priceless.  Definitely a fave with me......

  • WILDFLOWERS!  Some of the wildflowers have popped open this week in our backyard.  Perfect timing for the long weekend.......they look so pretty along my neighbor's fence!  The pic I snapped of my daisies did not come out good so I'm showing you this one.....my grouping is very similar plus I have some orange wildflowers that I can't remember the name of.....plus we have some purple violets.

pic taken from website:  something irrelevant
  • PHONE CONVERSATION!  While power walking on Wednesday evening, I called my husband's 2nd cousin whom we are close to, in response to a letter she had sent us.  How I miss her!!!  She and her husband live in PA and we only see them once a year, if that.  We spent Labor Day weekend together last summer at the beach house on the cape but....we haven't seen them since.  We thought they'd be coming out for our daughter's grad party but they can't, due to a conflict.  We had a great talk on the phone and have plans to try to find a weekend together before Xmas.  How I love talking to her. She is like a big sis to me.....and she knows the Lord!!  This definitely makes my fave list.

  •  the SEND OFF!  My oldest daughter went on her very last field trip of her school career.....she and several other French Club members plus 3 French teachers, went to Quebec for a 3 day tour.  The reason this makes my faves list is because Courtney did all of her own packing, remembered her passport and snacks, and got up in time (for once!!) to see me before she left.  They left yesterday morning and will be back late on Saturday night. And this is getting me prepared for the even bigger send off when we move her to Gordon in mid-August.  Since I already miss her and it's only Thursday night as I type this, I don't know what I am gonna be like come August!  :)  The photo below is where they are having breakfast one day. 
Assemblee Nationale

  • THIS SONG:  I heard this Christian song on the radio driving in to work one morning this week.  And it pierced my heart.....it basically speaks about what the small group study was for this week...I wrote up the lyrics for my mom-friends in the group and decided to post it here....(2 of us watched it together at the end of the group..the other moms had to leave).  It really touched me and the lyrics are just amazing.....it really is true that sometimes, Christ allows us to have "blessings in disguise" and we find blessings or answers through our tears or dashed dreams...or even in the betrayal of a friend...even in friends who weren't friends for very long and there was a break...a rip....those tears I've cried for so many nites have been a blessing in disguise....a way for God to shape my character....and grow me....watch the video.....it is just powerful.
NOTE:  if you listen to this video, please turn off my playlist on the bottom right side bar :)
And that wraps it up for me...we have a long weekend (Monday is Memorial Day here in the USA) and I have lots to do in the yard and prep for 2 graduations.  We usually go away for the Memorial Day weekend....I think we'll only do a day trip....let's hope it continues to be sunny and I wish you all a marvelous weekend.....what are your plans??  and do you have a fave from the week??


Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Faith, thanks for your comment on moms and my book -- and thanks for your support.

I love that Gordon sent your daughter a shirt. That is so neat.

Enjoy your week. Hope the countdown goes fast!

ellen b said...

I've heard lots of good things about Gordon College. That's great that younger sister got a t-shirt from them! Have a great weekend...

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It sounds like you have had a wonderful week.

Olive Tree said...

Faith, the video was so moving. Can I get your permission to share it on my blog and my blog's facebook page? By the way, I'm sure you will be fine come August when it's time for your daughter to venture out on her wonderful journey. I loved reading on your post. Have a wonderful weekend to you and thank you for stopping by at my blog earlier :)

Anonymous said...

fitting video. this is not our home and though suffering is to expected God's blessings shine through. thanks for sharing this video.

wildflowers are such a visual treat. so cool that you don't have to go far to see them. ;)

i use my walking time to make phone calls too. i hope it works out that you and your dear cousin'f family are able to meet up before christmas. such relationships are ones to treasure and invest in.

and she sent a LETTER?! that's almost an archaic form of communication. but how i LOVE receiving letters.this reminds me to send one this weekend.

thanks for sharing your list, faith. it made me smile.

Susanne said...

What a sweet thing for the college to do for Claire. Must have been very exciting to get that package.

I'll bet Courtney is enjoying her visit to Quebec. I've never been there but my hubby has and he says it's beautiful.

So nice that you have those wonderful connections with extended family.

Catherine said...

What a nice thing for the college to do. I think that's wonderful! When Claire is missing her sister, she will be able to think of her in a fantastic place. :)

I hope Courtney had a nice time on her trip. I love Quebec City. I'm sure it will be hard to see her off to college, but a blessing, to know that you have raised her so well.

What a beautiful song..
