"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

08 May 2011

Sabbath Pauses.....

I'm up early for the Sabbath day.

The sun is out in full glory and it reminds me of the Son Whom we will worship today and His Full Glory....

and this morning leads me to pause and journal more of the thousand day treasures I am participating in.

Last night, after a family movie night, I was reading in the One Thousand Gifts book about the author needing to take time to find the things she is grateful for. For slowing down in her busy life and give thanks.  And just live.  Live fully.  So, on that, I started thinking about the things that keep us busy and it went right along with what we had been discussing in my small group about stress and busy-ness.  To live fully, we need to slow down.  And give thanks.  

I went to bed with a lighter heart, giving things over to Christ as He can bear so much more than my own back can bear.  He carries our burdens!

And this morning, in this bright, full sun and warm morning temperatures, I am reminded to pause and write more things...towards my goal of 1,000 treasures God gives me.

  • ~the rich, dark, cocoa-colored coffee steaming from a thick, ceramic mug~~
image taken from wunderground.com

  • ~bright spots of red and blue as the cardinal and blue-jay dash to and fro from the feeder~~

  • ~the early sun streaming thru the dining room window falling on worn, wood flooring~~

c. Faith E M T 2011
  • ~sleeping child tucked into April-fresh, cotton sheets~~

  • ~strong hands on shoulders gently nudging me awake to welcome this new week~~ mind racing with all the "to-dos" of this busy season, yet knowing, by the kneading of my husband's hands, to slow down, breathe, take in the Sabbath~~ enjoy my Mother's Day~~
Hand-crafted flower and card from my 12 year old daughter
for Mother's Day!
  • ~~carefully crafted colored paper twisted into a flower on a tight paper stem with matching card....and the smile and hug from my pre-teen as she shyly holds it behind her back....drawing her in to my embrace and savoring that hug and smile....
and knowing, deep in my heart,

               that this is what it means to pause.....
                     and live fully....

                           in the moment~~~

Pause today....and give thanks.....rejoice in the One who Gives......

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