"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

11 May 2011


In prepping for the Got Teens? Small Group tomorrow nite, I was thinking about what treasure trinketI was going to hand out to all the moms.  The book (we are on Chapter 4, titled Stressed Out!) suggested handing out combs.  Rather than going out to buy 8 combs, I decided to upload a picture of one and find a Scripture verse to go along with our theme.  I then had the idea of "journaling" some ideas of the whole concept of living fully, in the moment, and being grateful for even the simplest things.  When we offer up our gratitude to the Lord, it brings peace to our souls, minds, hearts, and bodies!  It really does!!  I have been doing this for the past couple of weeks, and it really does work!  Then again, why should I be surprised?  God's promises...His Word, is TRUTH!  And His Word abounds with the concept of giving thanks in trials and finding peace/joy in the midst of stressed out lives......

So.....the verse I chose for my mom-friends is from Psalm 107:30 which states:
 "they were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven.  This is followed by:
"Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds...."

And I sat and meditated for a few minutes and came out with this (I then typed it up with the Scripture and added the image of the comb; each mom will receive this paper at the end of the evening and I will encourage them to go home and do a similar journal experience):

Untangling stressful strands of daily lives....daily schedules....
allowing the Savior to soothe our souls.....
    savoring the Savior in quiet moments.....
       in sun-splashed fields of flowers, trees, water, and wind....
in the splendor of stained-glassed sanctuaries, scent of perfumed candles, reverent rituals.....
                       words of wisdom, singing spiritual songs of praise.....
                        and giving thanks for all the simple things.....
                             the busy things, the stressful moments.....
                        all given by Him....for Him......for us to give back to Him.....
                                        to untangle.....and bring Peace.
(~faithe m t c.2011~~)

do you have tangled strands that need to be untangled?? 

Begin by listing the things you are thankful for today/tonite.....

Tell God about them.....

and give Him any things or issues that are causing stress in your life......He can carry the burden and make things right.....

untangle the tangles......


Erin said...

Everything you said is so true Faith. I was reading the "Jesus Calling" devotional book and the message for yesterday was:

“Thank me for your problems. As soon as your mind gets snagged on a difficulty, bring it to me with thanksgiving. Then ask Me to show you My way to handle the situation. The very act of thanking Me releases your mind from its negative focus. As you turn turn attention to Me, the problem fades in significance and loses its power to trip you up, Together we can deal with the situation, either by facing it head-on or putting it aside for later consideration.”

Anonymous said...

love this post, faith. i linked to it from my fff.

i am going to use my recouperation time to look at the got teen info. sounds very helpful.

thanks for this hopeful message.