"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 June 2011

Bonding, Blossoms, Breakfast, & Books

Can you believe it's the first Friday in June?

The end of the year is upon us.  (school year).

Let's take some time, before things really get busy with all those end of the year tasks, and find 5 favorite things from our past week...things that God has blessed us with, whether through food, flowers, or friends/family.

Link up at Susanne's, our gracious hostess, to participate and share your fave fives.  And let me know in the comment section,  so I can read how the Lord blessed you!

  • BONDING....with the mom-friends from small group:  only half of us could meet last week for our 5th chapter Bible study discussion of the Women of Faith book we are doing in Got Teens? group.  Although I am the designated leader of the group, I am learning right along with teaching. I love this group of women.....and although there were only 4 of us, we became even more intimate and dug even deeper in our sharing of the Word, of what we're going through with our teens, and with what God is doing in us.  What an enjoyable evening on the deck under the umbrella.....there's nothing like bonding with other sisters/friends in Christ.  This is always a fave with me.....
  • BLACKENED TILAPIA WITH MANGO SALSA  Last Friday evening, my husband, 12 yr old, and I went out to a late dinner at this place.  Our oldest was in Quebec with other French Club members so we were relishing some bonding time with our 12 yr old and getting a taste for what life will be like around here after August.  I ordered something new on the menu:  blackened tilapia with mango salsa and wow..it was definitely a Cajun hot!  I loved it....and consumed much iced tea and water.  One of my fave things about our dinner out was the conversation we had with Claire.  She was very animated as she described in full detail the many art forms she saw at this place that she attended that day on an Art Explorers field trip.  Art Explorers is a program for students identified as "gifted and talented in art" that our school district has once a week in the early morning before regular classes begin. Claire has been a part of the Art Explorers since Sept and just loves it.  About 10 students from her school went and she learned alot....the look on her face as she described some of the modern sculptures was definitely a fave with me. It was great to just sit next to my husband and listen to her while consuming a delicious meal.
Day lilies and Dragon fly stake in deck trellis box
29 May 2011
c. Faithe M T Photos
  • BLOSSOMS....although I was fighting a sore throat & swollen glands all Memorial Weekend, I forced my self to put my flowers in as we were already behind due to busy-ness and a very rainy spring season.  Now that spring is more moderate weather wise, I worked on the flowers and mulch while my husband worked on our camper, prepping it to sell.  I like this particular plant and hope it does well here in this box.  The cheery dragonfly makes a nice touch, too!  And of course most of you know why a dragonfly is significant to me :) and that's always a fave with me!!
  • BREAKFAST FOR TWO....my husband and I both awoke rather early on Sunday morning...both girls were still sleeping as we had been up late listening to our oldest describe her Quebec trip after picking her up at the high school Saturday evening.  I made cinnamon maple pancakes with fresh, real Vermont maple syrup, turkey sausage, and fresh canteloupe.  My oldest was laughing when she woke up because in Quebec they put maple syrup on everything.  She said it was quite the experience. They even had it on ham and potatoes one evening at dinner.  There is nothing like having a simple breakfast and lingering over steaming mugs of coffee with my husband...for some talking and planning.  And the part that makes my fave list is that he was so appreciative and my youngest was thrilled, when upon waking, I allowed her to make chocolate chip pancakes for her and her sister.....a definite fave!!
our little front porch/reading corner
30 May 2011
c. Faithe M T Photos
  • FINISHING BOOKS.....this past weekend, in the morning hours, I was able to finish a couple of good books from my spring reading list, sitting on our front porch.  Our house just has a very small front porch (I am SOOOO envious of anyone with a long veranda like I had growing up...how I miss a good front porch...).  The front of our house, from about 1:30 til dusk gets HOT in the summer sun.  This past weekend was like an oven out there with the heat and humidity.  The morning hours are best in the front.  Over the years, I have had many nice porch chairs get ruined by the sun due to fading.  This type of chair (pictured above) isn't all that attractive but I find it is the kind that just doesn't fade.  So...this year I bought this new turquoise one on sale, added a white wooden stand, and put these pink impatiens on the stand (Courtney's flowers).  It's attractive, simple and a great place to read...always a fave!!

That wraps it up for me.....I would love to hear from my visitors...especially those of you who visit each day and never comment.....what's your favorite thing from the week?? are you reading any good books?  



Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Your porch reading nook looks so pretty with the colors and flowers. I just finished reading Isaiah and will now get back into The Pilgrims Progress. And I have about 20 books I am anxious to get at.

Bonding with friends and family are always favs with me too. Sounds like your week was extra special in this regard. (Chocolate chip pancakes - oh yum!)

Hope you are over your sore throat and that this week is full to bursting with more blessings.

Susanne said...

Bonding with a group of ladies is a true blessing in life. That's how I feel about my ladies group too.

I've been thinking of putting a little chair out on our front stoop too. A wrap around porch is definitely on my wish list for a dram house. Sigh.

I totally get the maple syrup on the ham but on the potatoes? Now that is truly a Quebec thing. I, myself, prefer it on ice cream!

ellen b. said...

Sounds like you had a very fulfilling and productive week! Bonding, quiet breakfasts, listening and reading and letting creativity flow. A good week for sure! Blessings...

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Love the story of your Saturday Breakfast! I have a reading spot in the backyard, and I really enjoy it, too.

You know, that happens to me when I teach -- I learn!

You're getting closer to the end of school, I know. Enjoy!

Trish said...

Sounds like a wonderful week! Reading is my favorite pastime. :)

Thanks for visiting my FFF.

Melissa said...

These simple pleasures--a quiet breakfast with hubby, bonding with sisters in Christ, flowers, and so on--are some of the sweetest!

The sore throat/swollen glands thing has been going around here, too. My son and I were both on antibiotics because our doctor believes it was strep.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

ooh those pancakes look good. And, I too love the feeling of finishing books. Not only do you get to the end of the tale but you feel as if you have accomplished something. I am not really familiar with Gordon College but I grew up near Wenham.

Catherine said...

I'm glad your daughter had a nice trip, and that you had some special time with Claire. (I love blackend anything, and mango salsa.. yum!)

It's nice you got your flowers in, it HAS been a wet Spring, hasn't it?

I hope you enjoy many books in that lovely reading corner!