"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 June 2011

Book Review #11 and #12 for Spring Reading

Whoo hoo!!! I've read 12 books for the Spring Reading Thing!  And there was even a  couple of non-fiction ones involved! I am currently making my way through The Scent of Water: Grace for Every Kind of Broken (Christian non-fiction) and a secular fiction novel titled Invisible Boy, by an author who is new to me.

Last evening I finished up Hell's Corner by David Baldacchi.

This was not one of my favorites by him, although it featured the Camel Club characters including my favorite, Oliver Stone.  I have read all the other "Camel Club"series books by this author and really enjoyed the suspense, mystery, government shenanigans, etc.  This book just fell flat...or maybe I just didn't like the subject matter (nanotechnology, espionage, bomb-making). 

The basic story line is this:  John Carr, aka Oliver Stone, was once the most skilled assassin the USA has ever had (yes, he worked for the government).  He is standing outside the White House, in Lafayette Park, also known as Hell's Corner, for maybe the last time.  The president has asked him to help with a high-risk mission...he says Yes but before he can get started, a bomb goes off in the park just before a dinner honoring the British prime minister.  A British agent (female) begins to work with Stone to try and figure out who is responsible for this alleged attack against 2 world leaders.  Is this Oliver Stone's, and the Camel Club's, last stand??

I rate this book, on a scale of 1-10 as a 5.  It was just so-so.  I usually really like his books, and finish them, usually, in a couple of days...this one took me most of  a week and it just didn't grab my attention the way his other novels have.  I just skimmed the last few chapters just to see what was gonna happen.

It is appropriate for ages 17 and older.

I also finished up a non-fiction hiking book:
This is a great book if you want to do any hiking in the Green Mountains of Vermont.  We are planning a couple of hiking trips this summer with my small group (for the entire families!) and there are a couple of hikes in here that would be great for teens and parents.  Each section of the book features the different areas of the state and each area is broken down into the various trails.

I highly recommend this book if you are going to be spending time in Vermont and are a hiker...there are some great beginner hikes and some more challenging ones.  The book doesn't give great driving directions from major cities but the trailhead directions are very clear.

This totals 12 books I've read this spring with 3 of them not being on my original list!  I am hoping to finish the 2 I mentioned above sometime by middle of next week.  

Are you reading any good books right now??  What are they??


Susanne said...

Yipee. 12 books when you work and are as busy as your family is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Faith,
It's been a little while since I stopped by and left a comment. It's a busy time of year with the end of school coming up...last year of elementary for my younger son...junior high next year. I can't believe how the time flies! Hiking the Green Mountains sounds like a good book. I've never hiked the Green Mts. The last hike we took as a family was to Bash Bish Falls in Mass. a couple of years ago. Great trail that leads to the beautiful falls at the top of the mountain...we even brought our dog. Anyway, I am currently reading a book by Jan Karon, In the Company of Others. I've read all her Mitford Series books and now have started her Father Tim novels. She is a wonderful author. You feel like you can step right into this wonderful little town and become a part of the community. Have you read any of her books?

Faith said...

@Rosie: yes, her whole series...i enjoyed them!