"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

01 July 2011

July Fave Fives #1


It's July already and I've been on summer break for one full week!

Looking back over this week, I had to really stretch to find 5 favorite moments......one is easy...my oldest daughter's high school graduation.  But the rest of the week was....."squirrel -y" (I'll be doing a post about this later this weekend!).

It was a tough week due to so many things "going wrong" with our house.  2 break-ins and 4 incidents of screen damage.  All done by one pesky rodent.  A faulty wire somewhere in the attic above our garage that knocked out power to one bathroom, the deck outlet and our family room ceiling fan/overhead light. All the week before my daughter's Party Week!  YIKES.......and yet....I can still manage to find those "God-moments"......they might not be super exciting.....but...they are little blessings from the Lord that I will savor when reflecting back on this week.  I'll show you with pictures....yes...it's been a hectic week and no time for real writing today....thanks to our host, Susanne, for the Friday Fave Fives!


My daughter's Graduating Senior Class
441 S----High School Seniors!!
25 June 2011
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Celebrating 21 Years of Marriage!
image taken from stjamesofthemarches.com

A picnic in the yard made by my husband....
an Anniversary Lunch surprise....
He re-created our first hiking date/picnic!
now THAT's romantic!!

dew-moistened leaves on my lilac bush
in the early morning sun

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Fields full of wildflowers
I savor the scents on my early morning walks
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Morning Coffee on the deck
a great way to start the summer days.....

What about you??

Please share one fave that God blessed you with this past week by leaving a comment in the comment section! thanks!

looking back at what I posted from my pictures or images I found online, I guess I have to say that it wasn't such a bad week after all.....minus the squirrel!  (Come on back soon to read what God put on my heart....and my daughter's....about our pesky pest and how it ties in to our own heart condition!)


Kimberly Farmer said...

You certainly have had quite the week! Hopefully next week will be quieter and less stressful for you! Your re-created date sounds lovely! One of my favorites for the week is my little girl's fourth birthday. She had so much fun and it was wonderful to celebrate her beautiful life!

Mama Mia said...

Happy Anniversary! What a joy to celebrate 21 years-- and that he still surprises you with thoughtful romance.

Congratulations to your daughter, as well! :o)

Shell said...

Stopping by from Friday's Fave Five. Wow 21 years that is fantastic. I would say not such a bad week. ☺Shell

Anonymous said...

Hi Faith,
Happy Anniversary! One fave this past week was an unexpected shopping trip to the mall with my younger son (now usually our shopping trips together can be a little stressful); however, this trip was relaxed, we had fun together. We practically had the mall to ourselves which was really nice, and then we stopped and had a leisurely lunch together. He commented more than once how much he enjoyed our time out together (music to my ears!) Nothing earth shattering, but sometimes it's those little unplanned moments that you share together that turn out to be such big blessings!

Willow said...

Congratulations to your daughter! And Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

FFF is a great way to remind ourselves that our lives are truly full of blessings in in the midst of frustration and squirrel vandalism.

Catherine said...

Congratulations to your daughter,and her classmates, and blessings to you and your husband, now and for the next 21 years and beyond! How beautifully romantic and sweet he is!

I'm sorry I'm so late this week, but it seems like every minute for the past three days has been busy!

I hope your unwanted guest has given up his life of crime!


Susanne said...

Oh, my, for a second there I thought you had multiple break-ins of the human theft kind. Praise God it wasn't. Hope you catch the pesky little fella though.

Funny how several problems come at once when the week is already super busy. Hopefully the new week goes real well.