I SAW........
a beautiful Saturday sunset
while power walking with my husband
I TASTED.......
bubbling hot homemade sauce with meatballs
I HEARD........
laughter from the basement
as my 2 daughters reminisced during an old fave
I SMELLED.......
sweet banana-chip muffins
baked by daughter Claire
my soft organic cotton robe
while I begin my morning routine
Are you sensing something special today??
Please share what it is!
What a great Diary of 5!! Those meatballs look delicious! ~Karen
Thanks Karen! I love making homemade sauce....we had company and it was a hit!
Nice list of a glimpse of what was going on around you. I remember Diary of a Stay Home Mom doing a similar thing quite a while back and I always enjoyed reading it. I enjoyed reading yours too.
Hmmm, I thought i commented already but ok here goes again. LOVE meatballs {drool} and I think it's awesome that you and your husband walk together and the sunset is gorgeous!!!! Nice 5's
Hi Faith, So enjoying your wonderful music while commenting! New to your blog via "Dairy of Five." I am a former central New Yorker now living in Arizona. Love the pics of the Adirondacks. Meatballs and homemade sauce, yumm! I can almost smell them! Blessings from Gen @ simplycornish.blogspot.com
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