"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

13 January 2012

Friday Faves

It's time to look back at the week and find FIVE FAVORITE things/moments/people/Scriptures...whatever blessed you this week.....or made the week a little more special......or easier.....or more fun...whatever.....and let's say a huge THANK YOU to SUSANNE for hosting this every Friday.  Head on over to her site to join in on the fun!


  • MOSCOW BALLET PERFORMING SLEEPING BEAUTY  Attended this with Claire for a special mother-daughter date on Sunday afternoon.  There is NOTHING like the Moscow Ballet.  Breath-taking. Claire loves all things Russian, particularly their ballet methodology and the language.  I loved watching her face as much as the dancers! They performed here, so it wasn't too far of a drive.  Perfect afternoon with flawless dancing and my little girl sitting starry-eyed.......always a fave
  • PITA POCKETS!  have been stuffing mine with salad and tuna salad this week with tons of veggies for lunch at work, with a piece of fruit on the side (grapefruit, mineola's)  It's filling with less sugar than bread and more fiber.  It's gluten free so digests well and is totally multi-grain.  I LOVE it.  And it's less expensive than a loaf of high fiber, multi-grain bread!  That's always a fave!! 

  • SANDING!  And nope...I didn't stay home from work to sand my bedroom walls. My college daughter volunteered to do it for me!  She did a marvelous job and even cleaned up with the vacuum when done and put everything away.  I am really gonna miss her the next 2 months...she heads back to college on Tuesday.  She has told me she wants to tape everything and paint the walls when she returns in March for spring break. So...I have to select a paint color now for our bedroom.  I am totally changing the look except for the carpeting.  Having Courtney's help is always a fave with me!

  • POWER WALKING!  I did THREE major power walks this past week!  My primary goal is to do 2 miles in 30 minutes. Which is fast but.....on Wednesday it was super balmy here and I walked 2 miles in just under 45 minutes!!  I was joking with my hiking friends that if I can hike UP a mountain at that rate, I'd really be burning the calories!  I don't "need" to lost weight(altho I'd "like" to lose 8 lbs) but I want to strengthen my legs, abdominal muscles and tone my arms. SO.....my other goal is to get the power walking up to 5 afternoons a week.  Which means doing it on the weekends as my Mondays and Tuesdays won't let me work out (numerous trips back and forth to rehearsals/ballet classes for the youngest).  The fave part?  walking out side, listening to awesome music like Audrey Assad and Sanctus Real and just feeling great!  And it totally made me sleep like a baby and lessened the PMS symptoms.....always a fave!

our deck on Thursday morning at 6:15
c. faithe MTpics 1/12/12
  •  2 Hour SCHOOL DELAY!  Our first delay of the school year, yesterday morning, due to inclement weather!  I received the text from the district at 5:30 a.m. so decided to get up and get some much needed Bible study done, and a couple of household chores. My 13 year old LOVED being able to sleep a few extra minutes, eat a bigger, slower breakfast, and then she was soooo smart! She did the science homework (due today) in the morning before heading out the door for the bus. Her science teacher, among others, posts the homework for the week on our district's "parent portal". I LOVE this feature of technology.  So....I enjoyed a leisurely morning, and Claire enjoyed getting her Science homework out of the way!  Those things are always a fave!
Now, what about you??

Can you tell me at least one favorite from your week??



Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Oh that ballet looks wonderful!! I'm not into ballet unless it's something like that; large and wonderful!! Mmm pita pockets; you've been inspiring me this week to eat more healthy!!!

I'm not one for sanding; I let Joe do that hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Happy weekend Faith!!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

I haven't been consistent with exercise, but I have been consistent with good eating habits. That is one of my faves from this week.

Good for you, Faith, on doing 3 majour walks this past week. I will look into powerwalking as I don't really know what that is. And I sure like the side benefits you mentioned.

I will also look into the pita bread you mentioned. My dd is gluten (dairy- and egg-) intolerant. So, I like to check out new (to us) products. Plus, I bet I would like these for lunch as well. Thanks for the idea.

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

BTW - any chance of you sharing your mac and cheese recipe with the ham and broccoli? I will check around on your blog to see if you've already posted it. I saw that you referenced it on Hope's FFF.

Susanne said...

We finally had a snowfall on Tuesday and it was pretty much gone by Wednesday. Weird, weird weather this year. I always have to wrap my head around these snow delays you guys have in the States. We never have a delay start. Even a couple years ago in the midst of a major blizzard school still started on time and they didn't even close the school until after 9 a.m.

I'm going to get some pocket bread. Hubby likes the less sweat breads so I think he'd really like that.

So nice of Courtney to help out like that. Can I borrow her? My family room in the basement could use a face lift. :v)

Barbara H. said...

That ballet sounds wonderful!

I haven't had pita pockets in a long time -- thanks for reminding me of them!

How neat to have someone else do sanding for you!

Good for you for walking. I need to get back into it.

Karyn said...

What a nice mom/daughter date!

Your older daughter sounds like a great help! Bet you can't wait to get the paintig done!

Sounds like you and Claire made good use of your 'delay' time.
I've never heard of a 'delay' - does that give time for snow removal? or just time for the snow to melt? Around here, very occasionally we will have a school closure, but I've not heard of a delay.

Kathie said...

I'm getting into walking again too - along with some healthy eating. jan seems to be the month for it - although, I hope!, this year I'll keep it up!

The ballet sounds wonderful!

Happy weekend!

Willow said...

The Russian ballet sounds like a wonderful fabulous event! Isn't it fun to watch the others enjoy it, too?

I'm back to walking--not power walking--but at least I'm walking.