"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

01 January 2012

It's a Beginning......

trying to practice "Eucharisteo" as described in the "thousand gifts" book...by now almost everyone knows about this book, right?

writing under the label "Treasures from God". Continuing this practice.

Hoping to do so each week each month all year.

a new beginning of looking anew at things....simple things, complicated things, God-moments, life, family, friends, church, ministry, job, students, neighbors..............

the stuff life is made of....finding treasures......tonite hearing the noise from a movie in the family room with the daughters and a husband on the comfy couches.....and thankful for these precious people He has given me.....birthing 2 babies now teens and marrying a godly man who puts Christ first and walks with me on the journey.............

and me.....longing for peace and quiet in the living room with the tree and candles and music softly playing while hands sit poised over this keyboard finding the Eucharisteo in today............

~~Steaming mug of tea warming hands and soothing throat, the thankfulness soothing the soul.......reminding me of the Person who can bring comfort for my soul.......

~~candle burning balsam scent making Christmas last longer reminding me of the Light has come to show the way and the path of life will be shown to find fullness of joy........

~~wrapping up in cozy quilts reminding me of Who wraps me in His Love..........

~~evergreens in wooden box reminding me of the One who is eternal......everlasting......who hung on a wooden cross.....so I can have eternal life......everlasting life.......

simple things......

................soothing the soul..................


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