"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

03 January 2012

Simply Afternoon

I logged in to my blog last nite and saw a new post by Peggy from The Simple Woman.  So, I decided to join in again 2 times per month for this fun exercise in slowing down and looking around my day.  If you would like to join in, you can write the post at any time during the month.  Just head over to Peggy's blog to read the guidelines and link up.  She is also doing something called Diary of 5, about our 5 senses.  I will be participating in this on Wednesdays of every month.  You can join in at any time during the month.  Again, read her guidelines and link up at her site!  

So....it's late afternoon and I am home from the first day of work in the special education classroom/Inclusion classroom after 10 days off.  I have a little time to blog before heading back out the door to eat dinner with my youngest at the ballet studio. Then it's home during her last class to work on my small group study notes, then back out to pick her up by 9 pm. Then home again. Yes, we are back in the routine.  But....we can take time to look for the simplicity of the day......

FOR TODAY 3 January 2012

Outside my window...late afternoon sun splashing onto my creamy yellow living room walls creating a warmth that is unlike the cold temps of 22 (f) degrees today.  But..the sky is blue and nuthatches and chickadees surround the feeder.

I am thinking...of all that I need to accomplish in the next 2 evenings

I am thankful...for my family's good health

In the kitchen... leftover sweet and sour chicken, fresh cantaloupe, steamed broccoli for dinner

I am wearing...my "work" clothes (I'm a teacher assistant in elementary school):  black pants, red boatneck sweater, black sox, black and silver bracelet, silver and red teardrop earrings.

I am creating...a cook book for my college girl

I am going...to the ballet studio with my 13 yr old daughter this evening

I am wondering... if we will get any snow this month!

I am reading...I Am In Here written by an autistic girl and her mother, and Parenting with Purpose and Grace our small group study, and Philippians in the New Testament.

I am hoping... the students are as easy tomorrow as they were today!

I am looking forward to...my small group of women meeting here this week for the first time since early December!

I am learning to slow down in the evenings and savor some family time

Around the house...my oldest daughter home from college put away some dishes and straightened up her room, the 13 yr old is doing her homework before leaving for ballet, housework is all caught up thanks to the Christmas vacation break!

I am pondering...over the topic of Praying for our teenagers (our study topic for Thursday evening)

A favorite quote for today... "The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year.  It is that we should have a new soul."  ~G K Chesterton

One of my favorite things...warm, flannel sheets

A few plans for the rest of the week: hosting and leading my small group of women here on Thursday, a family friend over for dessert and coffee on Saturday evening, a stop for oil change on Wednesday, and Claire (my 13 yr old ballerina) and I have tickets to the Moscow Ballet for Sunday's performance of Sleeping Beauty!  After church we will enjoy going over to the next city to the west of us and seeing this marvelous full length ballet!

A peek into my day...

This is what I needed to get up and moving out of the house
and into the classroom today!

Thanks for sharing in A Simple Woman!!

And thanks to Peggy from over here for hosting!!


Susanne said...

Courtney sure gets a nice long break from school! My oldest is getting ready for her first day of university starting tomorrow.

Faith said...

Hi Susanne! yes, they have 4 weeks off...well..i guess it actually ends up being 3 1/2 but....she is very thankful to be home eating home cooked food and sleeping in!