"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

16 January 2012

Winter Gifts

~~~ footsteps crunching leading to gifts formed by the Creator....

...frozen ground with trails winding 'round...........

~~the gift of companions hiking in spacious blue sky's majesty......

~~silence in the stillness, awed by what He does.....

amazed by the season drawing me near to Him and beckoning to come.................

Treasures from above.....

               from our God......

                             Creator of heaven and earth..........


Susanne said...

Beautiful. I love the crunch of snow under my footsteps. Waaaay to cold to go walking or hiking here.

Faith said...

Yeah it was kinda cold here too. when we started out at the trailhead by car temp read 6 degrees f.! brr...but...we had winter hiking gear on so all was toasty! my feet were the warmest!!