"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 January 2012

Diary of 5 #3

It's Wednesday.....mid-week.....time for me to contemplate what I'm sensing......

To participate in this creative writing exercise, head over to Peggy's at The Simple Woman and read the guidelines to link up!

I HAVE TASTED.........

cranberry-orange chip scones 

I HAVE SEEN.........
starfish patterns dancing 
on the living room walls
in the late afternoon sun

I HAVE HEARD.........
uplifting Christian lyrics 

the scent of cedar sachet
on the shelf next to my reading chair

I AM FEELING........
perfectly fitting & warm hiking socks

What are YOU sensing today??

Please share in the comment section!


Anonymous said...

A BEAUTIFUL Day with Sunshine and snow melting!
thanks for sharing your Diary of 5 and stopping by B.T.E.
~~peace & love & joy & blessings~~
My DH was born and raised in Upstate New York :)

Susanne said...

Feeling the cold outside trying to make it's way under the doors, tasting a cheeseburger lunch from my hubby, hearing the sound of blessed silence while the dayhome has a nap, seeing the books piling up in my To Read basket as I add yet one more I got on sale at the library. :v)