We've started our 4th study book as a group!
We are learning about the challenges on today's families by reading/discussing/writing in the book "Protecting Your Family" by Charles Stanley.
following a brief summary of what was discussed, I will have the basic answers to the questions that were based on the Scriptures given. Please fill out your questions if you haven't already done so as this study will build upon previous chapters.
following a brief summary of what was discussed, I will have the basic answers to the questions that were based on the Scriptures given. Please fill out your questions if you haven't already done so as this study will build upon previous chapters.
During the Chapters 1 & 2 meeting, we accomplished the following:
Recognized that today's families are faced with challenges and that we need to be applying godly principles. We all shared at least one godly principle we employ in our own families and came up with a good list:
- Honesty (to help with the lines of communication)
- Tithing (to teach stewardship of money/blessings from God & because this can be a vulnerable area for Satan to get ahold of. Ex: spending money on frivolous things or things we don't really need rather than using it for godly purposes)
- Prayer (not just FOR each other but WITH each other...especially WITH OUR CHILDREN)
- Scripture (even if it just means placing Scriptures on a card and posting it near places our teens will see it (bathroom mirror, bedroom desk, etc). Carla shared with us about the Daily Bread Basket of Scriptures that they use....great idea!!
- Fellowship with other believers. This means getting our teens to their youth group meetings (unless a school conflict) and stressing friendships with believing families. Diane shared about their homeschool group and I shared that although Claire has good friends in school, the friendships from youth group need to be nurtured as well as they are godly friends with similar belief systems from the families. Going to church as a family, social events with other Christians, etc. (Note: we will also be talking more about how to stay connected as a group over the summer and start friendships of our teens within the group to further strengthen the strongholds of the unity of Christ).
- Speaking the Truth in Love. Monica shared on this about being honest with one another but also with sharing truth. Godly, Biblical truth when Satan's lies come upon us. I also gave an example about this in practical terms.
- Reflection of Christ in the family unit (being better disciples/witnesses through our words and actions) Kerry shared about how she stresses to her children that their behavior/words reflect back on the family/parents AND back to Christ as they are Christ-followers. Reflecting our Christian lifestyle well when out of the home and church.
Answers to the Questions
- Chapter 1 page 7 is personal and subjective....please make sure you have answered them in regards to your own family.
- Chapter 2, pg 10....again, depends on what you have experienced. I talked briefly about a church division I witnessed as a young adult and the consequences of that division and disunity in a body of believers.
- pg 11 The answer here regarding "put on Christ" simply means we are all one in Christ which provides unity. Although we are all diverse we are unified in Jesus. (if born again believers)
- pg 12 we answered the first question based on the fruit of the Spirit and then the unworthy list would be the opposite of those qualities. For example things like honesty vs dishonesty, love vs hate, generosity vs greed, etc.
The answer to what Paul is telling us to strive for based in Philippians 1:27 is: working and staying united against Satan and the world.
- pg 14
To "test the spirits" means to see if they are godly...following what the Bible says is TRUTH.
Practical ways we can do this as parents: by praying for the situation/for your teen and by reading and applying the Word to the situation/stronghold
The answer to the last question on that page: Jesus, in us, is greater than Satan/the world!
- pg 16
the "accuser of the brethren" is : Satan (the devil)! He is fighting along with his demons, the spiritual battle against Christ-followers. He WILL be cast down by Jesus and we will overcome Satan in the end!!
some practical examples of overcoming Satan through "the blood of the Lamb' can be things you do as a couple/family, or individual to cast the devil aside.
I wrote: Praying in the Name of Jesus (satan MUST FLEE at the name of Jesus), speaking and declaring TRUTH to your self, your spouse, your teens, your friends, your co-workers, etc. I based this on John 14:13-14 We can pray with His Authority (Jesus) and our enemy must flee!
- pg 18
- pg 19
Based on the Scripture at top of page (I John 4:2-3) how do we "test the spirits"...(see rest of question in book)
Some were stumped by this question. I shared that some things we ask as a couple (dave and I) are: will it benefit us as a family, will it be a godly pursuit, and will our relationships be modeled after God's love or will this hinder our walk with Christ and be a time/money waster?
Last question on that page is again personal and subjective
Please have Chapter 3 ready for our next meeting and if you are missing this week's meeting, I will have the notes posted sometime over Spring Break!
God bless you!!
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