"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 June 2012

Early Summer Gifts

enjoying this warm, sunny Sunday.....reflecting on these first summer days and finding I need to add to the 1000 gifts...those treasures from God.....I'm up to 350!! This writing exercise is based on the challenge from the  book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp
image taken from birdsflight.com

~~the squawk of the blue-jay outside my bedroom window, welcoming us to worship............

~~ a warm shower after 2 days of no shower in the house..........and the plumber willing to come on a Saturday and not charge us extra money......for this we are most thankful~~ 

~~time to read good books....for fun....

and for learning......

~~sermons that challenge.....and lead to worship....and even though worship is tough for me right now I am so thankful for praying friends....who "get it"...they understand the struggle because they've walked it too.........

~~friends who text and keep in touch...........

~~friends who call for prayer and we end up praying for each other......and hold each other accountable..........

~~ for friends who don't need to keep in touch constantly, yet know I am there for them and they are there for me~~

~~leaders who represent Jesus well........and help me to feel safe....

who know how to listen, and care, and not judge, and.....just listen. and relate......and aren't afraid to speak Truth...........

~~my church, safe haven that it is......for this I am thankful....it is solid and there...and when we travel and are away our hearts are knit there and friends are praying~~

Thank you God for these early summer days......and for the Sabbath sun........


Susanne said...

Leaders who help you to feel safe. I couldn't define what I loved about my church until I just read that and realized that is exactly it. I feel safe...safe to be myself and still be accepted...safe to grow and make mistakes and still be encouraged. Beautiful list!

Faith said...

Thanks for your words Susanne....and isn't it a true blessing to be in a church where you are safe and accepted? that is HUGE to me....and like you said, safe to grow and make mistakes...because we all make them...it helps to have leaders who represent Jesus well! (our pastor's theme so to speak...his vision for our local church is that all of us would represent Jesus well...out in the world....)