"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

22 June 2012

First Days of Summer Faves

WHOO HOO!! I am officially on summer vacation from work! (the summer season officially started on Wed June 20th)  Our school district's last morning was yesterday and it feels SOOO good to have this school year behind me now. It was one tough year, with many changes, upheavals, difficult children with multiple needs, and of course no pay raise. But.....we made it through and I'll be back there in September refreshed and recharged for another year.  For now, I am enjoying life on the deck and reflecting back on the week to find five faves. Linking up with Susanne and others from over here.....won't you join in?


  • BIKING!  Last Saturday was one of those perfect late spring June days.  Temps were in the 70s, the sky was a pretty blue and the sun was golden!  I was up early so did a bit of biking around the neighborhood with my husband and then I did an extra 5 miles down the road while he went home to have breakfast.  I loved every minute on my bike.  It felt good to get the cardio work-out and at that early hour of 8:30 a.m. there weren't many people up and about. The scene above is one from a country lane I ride on between my neighborhood and the next town over.  It is so pretty on that road and there aren't a lot of houses in this one section.  Just beautiful scenery!  I love late spring.
Emma (age 9), Mady (on swing, age 4), Claire(13)
  • FAMILY TIME!  My youngest niece turned 4 the beginning of June but we were so busy with concerts, ballet, church stuff, that we never made it up to her house. So, last Saturday, my youngest sister and her husband and the 2 girls came down to our place to visit.  Claire had fun entertaining her youngest cousins and we all had fun making our own ice cream sundaes and chatting on the deck. Although they only live an hour north of us, it gets crazy between our 2 different schedules during the school year,  so this "afternoon of fun in the sun "was a perfect start to staying connected with family during the summer.
image taken from PJSBBQ website
  • FATHER'S DAY BBQ!  We took Dave to his fave BBQ place for a late lunch on Sunday (Father's Day). It had been under construction during the winter months and the new look is amazing!  One can order inside now and there is more indoor seating, although we preferred to sit outside in the glorious sun because it was a perfect late spring day.  We also ran into our pastor and his family while there so that was fun. Dave, Claire and I had the rack of ribs plus delicious macaroni salad. Courtney had the 1/4 chicken and salad.  Both girls had corn on the cob and we all had the famous Loganberry drink that PJ's is famous for! Fellowship, fun in the sun, finding friends...all faves.....
gift from Monica
  • Gift from friend!  My primary love language is Gifts and most of my friends know this.  This little country style checkerboard table (checkers are blue and red hearts in box on top) is from one of my friends from the small group I lead. We've actually known each other since her son and my oldest were 2 years old!  We re-connected once we both transitioned to Grace Fellowship Church.  She is a gifts person too and LOVES giving gifts. She wanted to bless us with this cute table and it goes so well in our family room which is a country Shaker- style room.

  • AWARDS!  At the S---Junior High school yesterday, my daughter won 6 awards during the 7th grade Awards Assembly!  She brought home the highest award (Overall Academic Achievement for being on the High Honor Roll for each quarter), the Academic Recognition Award for having a 4.0 for at least 3 quarters, the Science award given to high achieving science students, the Special Recognition Award in Health for A+ work, and the Special Recognition Award in Art for A+ work.  She also received the Perfect Attendance Award. She also received a medal for the NYSSMA violin competition and received an Outstanding on her violin solo. We are very proud of Claire and just can't believe our "baby" will be in 8th grade in September! Having both daughters do so well in their education is always a fave for me!

And I have to share this quote I saw in the Albany paper last weekend.  It grabbed my attention because of some things I am working on in my personal life regarding friendships.

"A relationship is healthy when you get to be your complete self, and enjoy mutual respect, acceptance, and motivation to please."~C.Hex~ (journalist)
I am so thankful most of all for God giving me friends/mentors/leaders  with whom I can be my self and that fit the quote above.  

Happy first weekend of Summer, everyone!!


Melissa said...

Sounds like a great week! Quality family time is the best. The little checkerboard table is so pretty and fun! And congratulations to your daughter on her achievements! Yay!

The quote about a healthy relationship has given me a lot to think about. Thanks!

Jerralea said...

How wonderful to have the summer off! And weather in the 70's! Enjoy!

I love the little checkerboard table! So cute.

It is definitely a blessing to have your children do well in school.

Susanne said...

Congratulations to Claire. That is alot of accomplishments in a year.

I looove bike riding. Haven't had a lot of chances this year yet due to all the rainy weekends we've had. Hopefully this weekend will be better.

The Father's Day dinner is making my mouth water. Ribs would definitely be my choice. Yum!

Barbara H. said...

It's always good when we can have some family time.

That's neat that your husband's favorite BBQ place was open for Father's Day. I love ribs.

Congratulations to your daughter on all her awards!

Willow said...

Welcome to summer break!! The morning bike rides are all the more special because it's summer.

Wow, congratulations to Claire on her awards. Well done, girl!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

LOVE the quote. Such truth there.

Congrats to Claire for all her awards. That's great.

Glad you're enjoying your summer!

nikkipolani said...

Oh, that biking day sounded perfect, indeed. So glad you got to be out and enjoy the scenery. And for Father's Day, too -- nice weather, good food, great company :-) Congrats to your daughter!

Annette Whipple said...

That view is beautiful. I love living in the country!! We don't have the rolling hills here that I had growing up in northeastern PA, but it's still pretty here. So thankful for that type of beauty!

Yay for striving and attaining excellence in education! Welcome summer!