"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 October 2012

Autumn Daybook

I'm joining in with other bloggers at the Simple Woman's Daybook.


Outside my window... it's dark, it's evening. but it's rather mild....with an almost "humid" feel to the air.....tomorrow is supposed to be 75 and partly sunny.  It's been a little rainy and grey here the last 3 days.....

I am thinking... about the busy day and evening I have tomorrow.....

I am thankful... for my home and family. I don't ever want to take them for granted.

In the kitchen...  Grilled Salmon, Salad, Italian Mixed Veggies, Cheesy Pasta.

I am creating... a photobook for the highlights of 2011.

I am going... to our youngest daughter's 8th grade Open House at the Junior High on Thursday evening...and this year my husband can come, too!

I am wondering... why there is no known cause or cure for autism.....I work with some very needy children and it's a difficult diagnoses.

I am reading... The Mid-Wife's Confession(almost done), The Friendships of Women (a personal Bible Study) and What if Your Blessings Come as Raindrops? (a devotional book)

I am hoping... that the long weekend at the beach house will have awesome weather!

I am looking forward to... the Columbus Day weekend away at the beach house and seeing our college daughter who will join us there!

I am learning... what it means to have a real friend and to be a real friend....that it's reciprocal......

Around the house... towels and sheets in the dryer waiting to be folded, family room to be straightened and vacuumed tomorrow after work before my small group.......

I am pondering... the things my pastor's wife wanted me to think about this past summer.....I'm just now getting around to dealing with some of them....it's all good and is making me grow and stretch spiritually speaking!

A favorite quote for today...   "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:  "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."~C.S.Lewis~ (that's what it's like with my pastor's wife....we have a similar connection in one area and it has really helped me grow more....can't explain it here without revealing some deep personal things in our lives but....I LOVE how God puts people together to grow and change us)

One of my favorite things... soft, fleece blankets

A few plans for the rest of the week... chiropractor appointment, small group meeting, Open House at Claire's school, and driving to the cape!

A peek into my day...

a little treat bag of a candle, pumpkin spice coffee and a pumpkin muffin for a friend
Gifts is my primary love language and I LOVE giving out little treats to cheer a friend

What did your day look like??


Susanne said...

How nice that you get a weekend away. Hope you have lovely weather.

I used to wonder that about autism too.

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