"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

15 November 2012

Catch-Up Faves

Friday! Time to join other online friends in listing our FIVE FAVES from the past week and link up with Susanne so we can all share with one another.  Feel free to leave a comment here about your own fave from the week.

I found a list I had started 3 weeks ago, but then my mom died suddenly so that week was just crazy....totally surreal...still feels that way.....and of course I didn't get on the blog to participate.......I never did list the "faves" from the list. So, I'm playing "Catch-up" today......

Crane Mobile created by Courtney

  • COURTNEY's CREATION!  This mobile of origami cranes that my oldest daughter made before heading back to college this past summer.  A couple of weeks ago, I was in her room in the morning sun, on a weekend day, doing some vacuuming and dusting.  I just loved the look of the cranes...elegant yet strong, if you know what I mean. Her goal is to make 1000 origami cranes. Not sure why.....she just loves creating......and she's good at it! The blessing for me?  It's a little bit of "her" while she is away at college...oh, how I miss her!!

  • A Helderberg Hike!  The Helderbergs are hills in the southern part of the county we live in.  There is a preserve there called Wolf Creek Falls that we had never hiked before and wanted to try.  Dave and I hiked on Sunday afternoon October 21. It was the first time I could hike since early July!!  I did have a little bit of back pain while hiking (it had started in church that morning) but it was manageable   It was a relatively flat hike in a preserve about 40 minutes southwest of our town. This is where we hiked.  It was only a little over a mile with some beautiful scenery. The high -points were the 3 waterfalls on the trail and the solitude. We were the only hikers checked in at the register that afternoon! Because it gets dark early now, we had to just hike the loop trail and get back in the car. At some point we want to check out another hike in that same area. The blessing for me was that I was outside communing with the Lord and my husband.  We tried to talk our 13 year old into going but she wanted to do her homework. So this was a nice afternoon trip for us....some alone time in God's beautiful creation!

Wolf  Creek towards the middle of the loop trail

2nd Waterfall on Wolf Creek Trail

  • RIDING BOOTS!  No, my oldest daughter didn't go back to equestrian sports and I'm not taking equestrian lessons!  But I fell in love with these brown riding boots when I saw them in the Natural Reflections/Bass Pro catalog. So I ordered them and they are amazing! They are perfect to wear with leggings and my longer fall skirts for work. I also slip them over skinny jeans for the weekend.  I like that I have a pair of good boots that will work in the snow with a low heel.  I was surprised to find that the sides are suede but I sprayed them with protectant and they should be fine in the wet weather.  The blessing is that they weren't expensive, they are leather/suede and they are trendy yet classic and comfortable!
With my 4 yr old niece Mady at my dad's house
in the Mohawk Valley region of New York State
  • FAMILY TIME  Although it was for very difficult circumstances, I did enjoy the time I had with my younger sisters and their children and/or spouses. One of my sisters has no children of her own, although her husband has sons who are grown and on their own. Another sister has one son.  My youngest sister and her husband have 2 daughters whom my youngest likes to see often.  This is their youngest daughter, Mady.  She is so full of life and joy that it was really kind of nice to have her sit with me after the "celebration of life" service for my mom.  She's alot like my youngest, Claire, and just so full of smiles and  fun-loving ways.  I will treasure the days to come as we gather at various times throughout the holidays.  The blessing for me is that all 3 of my sisters live within an hour or two of me.
my dessert one evening
  • WINE AND DARK CHOCOLATE!  A nice glass of chilled Reisling from one of our favorite vineyards in the Finger Lakes region of New York (about 3 hours southwest of us) and a piece of dark chocolate was my dessert one evening. Simple, delicious, and heart healthy :) The blessing was that my husband helped clean up dinner that night so I could sit and enjoy some quiet moments. It doesn't happen often!
These are really just some simple blessings that God gave me 3 weeks ago.  There are always blessings to be found in our days....sometimes we have to really reflect to find them.

I also have another event that should have made my fave list for this week but I am going to save that for another day on here and turn it into a "spiritual" devotional post...so check back later this week! It involves a tea shoppe, a good friend, and what God showed me about friendship in HIM!

Do you have a fave you'd like to share??


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am sorry to hear about your mother. It looks like you had a wonderful walking time. I love wine and dark chocolate and family time as well.

Ingrid said...

That's very sad that your mother did ! But at least you could see your family again.

Barbara H. said...

There is something about 1,000 cranes...but I can't remember the significance of them now. But it's neat they're a reminder of your daughter while she's away.

Those waterfalls are lovely.

It's so neat you got some family times with loved ones though the reason for gathering was sad. May God give you grace in the days ahead.

Karen said...

I'm so sorry about your mom. I don't think we're ever ready to lose our moms, no matter what stage of life we're in.

The cranes are beautiful. I seem to remember, too, that there is a story or significance to the 1,000, but can't remember what it is. How nice to have something to feel close to your daughter!

Jerralea said...

I love the origami cranes!

I'm a big fan of nature and being in the woods, I love the picture of the creek. Our kids never want to go with us when we go explore parks, either ... but it is a nice activity to enjoy together and have time to talk.

I'm also a lover of boots. I have 4 pair, and the truth is, I want another pair that has flat heels ... Yours look like what I have in mind ....

Paula said...

Such pretty pics from your hike, and those boots are so cute! Enjoy your weekend. :)

Annette Whipple said...

Glad to see you have the time and heart to blog again. I'm sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Continue to find your strength in Him...


Susanne said...

Oh I'm loving those boots! Very nice.

The cranes look lovely. I can just imagine a thousand of them. In Japan cranes were said to live for 1000 years and there is something about a legend that if you fold a thousand of them you get a wish come true. We went to a wedding where they had cranes in their decor and that's what was being said about them.