"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

08 November 2012

Mid-Autumn Faves

It's Friday so time to reflect back on the week and list FIVE of our FAVES....blessings that God brought to us, whether big or small.

Join in with us by linking up over at Susanne's site.

And please feel free to share one of your faves in the comment section!

It's Mid-Autumn and this past week, our temps have dropped to where it feels like early winter!

Some of my faves are new items I've discovered that are perfect for these longer nights, shorter, cold days.

image taken from Avon website
  • CREAMY BODY WASH by Skin So Soft, Original (Avon):  This creamy body wash is THICK, goes on so smooth and leaves my skin supple and softly scented. It's perfect for those cold, dry mornings for skin that is a little drier in the late autumn/winter months.  Try it! I highly recommend it and at just $7.00 a bottle, the price is right!

image taken from allrecipes.com
  • PUMPKIN CHILI!  this recipe  is new to me.  I had never heard of cooking chili with a can of pumpkin. IT WAS DELICIOUS!  The recipe will be posted tomorrow...I took it from the autumn issue of Simple and Delicious.  I didn't add the sour cream to ours though, choosing shredded cheddar cheese instead. My 13 yr old tolerated it, my husband said it was "different" but I LOVED it.  It's a very creamy chili, slow cooked with ground turkey.  YUM!
the ballerina age 13
  • FAMILY ROOM CLEANED!  Last Saturday I had quite a long "to do" list.  My 8th grader offered to vacuum the family room for me!!  She literally volunteered! And didn't expect payment :)  She does get a weekly allowance for doing "extra" chores so of course she did get paid as she had done some extra things for me the evening before and that day.  It's such a blessing when our teenagers actually offer to help with out being told!  A definite fave here at my house!  She is a good kid.
image taken from popscreen.com
  • FLANNEL SHEETS!  I  put flannel sheets on our bed last weekend.  They are VERY similar to the ones shown here although the leaves on mine are maple and oak leaves in all the autumn colors.  They are soft, warm and so cozy on these cold nights.  We keep the heat turned WAY down until after Christmas so it is nice to crawl into bed with these sheets. My youngest daughter does NOT like flannel sheets so I added a fleece snuggie for on top of her quilt.  There is something so comforting about flannel and fleece!
image taken from a restfulplace.com
  • DVD!  I FINALLY found the movie that our 13 yr old has been asking for, for the last 3 Christmas'!! I was so excited when my google search finally produced results. I had bought the girls 4 of the Patricia St John novels back when my oldest was in 3rd grade. They are both advanced readers and good Christian fiction is hard to find for advanced elementary children.  Those books are some of their faves and I enjoyed them when I was a child.  Sadly, my mom didn't know where the ones I had owned ended up, so thankfully I had found a boxed set of them back in 2001. Well, some of the books have been made into movies. I had found Treasures of the Snow (a wonderful story for all ages) but could never find Tanglewood's Secret (Claire's fave book from the series). I found it from Kingsley Press, a company from Indiana!  I just received it in the mail after less than a week from placing the order.  And because it's from out of New York State, there was no sales tax!!  WIN! She is going to be SO surprised on Xmas morning!!  (and no...she doesn't visit my blog! :) )

So these might not be the most exciting faves from the week but the week was strange. I worked Monday, had to attend all day workshops on Tuesday, worked Wednesday, had to attend a half day workshop on Thursday and do errands, housework, chiro in the afternoon, and work all day today. Saturday I'm meeting a friend at a lovely local tea shoppe after doing more housework, errands, etc. and Sunday my husband is baptising his co-worker friend and the co-worker's teen daughter who has Down Syndrome.  It is going to be an emotional service I think.

Because of the 3 day weekend I am HOPING to get in a hike as well.  

Whatever your plans are for the weekend, enjoy and find time to rest and refresh!!



Susanne said...

I've seen pumpkin chili recipes floating around on lots of sites this fall, but have been afraid to mess with the chili my family loves. Being a good ol' Hungarian, I couldn't even think of leaving out the sour cream. LOL.

So nice when the teens do something of their own initiative. I love that!

I'm sure that baptism service will be emotional and wonderful! How neat that your hubby gets to do the honors.

Ingrid said...

A little helper is always welcomed ! I too changed our bedsheets for winter !

Barbara H. said...

I have never heard of pumpkin chili. Honestly, it doesn't sound very appealing to me, but I have been surprised before. Our church is having a chili cook-off in a few weeks -- maybe someone will bring some to try.

It's so nice to have willing and unexpected help!

I haven't tried flannel sheets as I tend to get too hot at night, but they look cute and sound cozy.

Somehow we missed St. John when my kids wee growing up but I have heard great things about her.

Jerralea said...

Hmmm... not sure about pumpkin chili, but it would be a great way to get Vitamin A in your diet.

I'm not a flannel sheet lover, either, but yours sound really cute. I love fall colored leaves on anything.

It's a great day when a teen will offer to help without being asked. You are blessed!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Flannel sheets are so cozy! And I love your new look here. Sounds like you had a good week, and the service sounds so sweet. Hope you have a great week.

Willow said...

St. John was always one of my favorite children's authors. I didn't discover her via Treasures of the Snow until my kids were young.
Flannel sheets definitely make my fave list :)

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing about Avon's body wash. My skin gets soooo dry this time year. I have a friend who sells this so I am giving her a call tomorrow.

How delightful you found Tanglewood's Secret. I haven't read St John, but will see what's in the library next time I visit.

Hope your coming week is not so "strange." ;)