"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

04 March 2013

Bury Truth Deep


See those crocuses pushing up through the ground?

They come up every year if you have deep rooted bulbs.........

..........sometimes mine have had an enemy.....the bunny that lives under our deck has been known to dig and chew up my crocus and tulip bulbs. I think so far this year, things are fine....because I used a special tool to make sure the bulbs got deep enough into the ground in December.  It was a mild December so I was blessed...........

......... I'm anxiously awaiting for those purple and yellow crocuses to come up!

.......................and it reminds me of how we sometimes don't push things deep enough into our souls.....

..........in to our hearts........

.............things like His Truth.....His Word..........prayers.............Hope, Faith...........


We leave them exposed in the surface of our lives and sometimes the enemy comes along....Satan...to steal and destroy...........

but when we hide the Truth in our hearts..............and get it into our very souls...........

..........we can emerge stronger, braver, more hopeful......

with more faith...........

I had a person steal my joy about 3 years ago.....because I let her!

I let someone "get" to me......I felt dragged down, wiped out, hurt, less confident because of petty jealousy and a friend who didn't know how, or maybe didn't want to, stick up for me and the friendship we started.  I didn't speak up with Truth...........and I didn't go to leadership until much later.  Now, that I am past that time in my life, I have turned to my leader/mentor and have shared the story and have learned many truths...... and have gained my confidence back. Basically we are not letting Satan in to destroy! He wants to destroy Christian friendships. If I had known then what I know now.......

and yet.......just this weekend, based on the sermon I heard yesterday, I have decided I need to forgive that person who, unwittingly, robbed me of that joy............actually, the Lord pricked my heart with that forgiveness thing......don't ya love when He does this??

and my own fears reared up...my own insecurities in friendships...........

it has taken a long time to feel that confidence with friends again.........to be vulnerable..........to go deep........

I have had to get into the Truth of God and press it down into my heart and my soul the way I pressed down those bulbs this past autumn...........

............and I am believing that good things will be harvested from that.........

I kNOW good things are being harvested from sitting with a leader/mentor and speaking of the situation..........I've learned what to do if this happens in the future....

more importantly, I have learned even more my own worth in God's eyes....

I've learned Truth and I've learned we all need to stay in the Word.....

to be praying...with eyes wide open.........

and to plant those Truths deep into our hearts, minds, and souls......

What is God teaching you today?

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Very good illustration, Faith. Sometimes we tend to do such surface work when it comes to the truths of God and then wonder why it was so easily uprooted. I'll have to remember this.