"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

08 March 2013

Thinking Spring Faves

As I begin to write up the FRIDAY FAVE FIVES for this past week....the time where we share some blessings that God brought into our lives since the previous Friday, it is snowing. Steadily.  It's wet. Grey and damp and it's Thursday, late afternoon and I still need to go out to pick up my 8th grader at 6 pm from musical rehearsal at school.  I don't want to go back out into the damp and grey and wet. My soul and body are longing for sunshine!!! 

 I've been feeling this way for about 2 weeks so I decided to bring some "spring" into my week.......and God turned them into blessings!

Join in by linking up with Susanne over here and sharing YOUR faves from the past week.  


  • SEEDS!  On Saturday I bought all the things I will need for deck container gardening.  I started seeds in the little starter kits pictured above. This year I am attempting, for the first time, cherry tomatoes.  I will add basil cinnamon and parsley once the month of May gets here.  This brought a smile to my face, especially after my sister Hope told me it is easy to do gardening this way (she has a mini-farm and you can check out her blog here). It's a blessing to be able to  grow our own veggies and herbs and I"m thankful for all the help and advice I was given from family and friends.

  • SPRING DECOR! Over the last few evenings, I've slowly been putting away Winter/Snowmen stuff and Valentine's Day items and getting out my few spring and Easter items.  I love decorating my home and making it cozy.  The above bunny is on the end table in our family room and the nest of eggs is on a little corner cupboard in our kitchen. My house has a Shaker style "country" theme so these items are perfect!! It's a blessing to decorate for my family in different seasons.
image taken from fishhookweb.com
  • SUNSHINE!  On Tuesday afternoon, I came home from work at about 3:15 and the sun was streaming through our bare branched cherry trees on to our little front porch. (I wish I had taken a picture of my own trees with the sun streaming through, but this image from the above website will have to suffice!) I stood on the porch for about 10 minutes just soaking in the sun on my face. It was chilly but it felt sooo good to see this sunshine because it has been so grey here for a week now. The sunshine didn't last but it was just enough to energize me for household chores and do the evening routine. By the time I got my daughter from school at 4:45 and over to her ballet class that ended at 6 pm, it was lightly raining. But oh what a blessing that sun was for a few minutes!
image taken from the booknook website
  • SUMMER READING!  This author's books are light, easy, and fun.  They are typically set in the Nantucket Island area, off the coast of Cape Cod. This particular book caught my eye Tuesday when I was at the library because of the cover.  It's one novel I haven't read by Hilderbrand yet and a co-worker recommended it.  Ah....it's a blessing to dive into a good, easy read with hints of summer all throughout AND I have this evening (Thursday) free to just sit and read!
image taken from wikispaces site
  • Seuss-a-palooza!!  This past week, in honor of Dr Seuss' birthday (March 2nd) the elementary school I work in had an "all week long Dr Seuss a palooza"!  Every class incorporated various activities in the curriculum, centered around various Dr Seuss books.  The special needs children I work with had so much fun! And it really broke up the monotony of these long, grey March days. We had crazy socks day, dress in red/white day, Cat in the Hat day where everyone in the school made and wore hats like the cat, and dress in Purple day (all 6 elementary schools in our district have their own colors. The one where I teach is Purple and White so we had a "School Spirit" day on the day that Barnes and Nobles hosted us with special story times, songs, and games.  This really had the children reading and creating.  It was so much fun and even the little autistic boy I work closely with was able to participate. He especially loved the Physical Education activities that included grabbing a "birthday card" opening it up to find a picture of a Dr Seuss book and then  going around the gym to find the matching book on the wall and doing the gross motor activity that went with the book. For example:  10 Apples Up on Top was a book and the "station" was a balance beam and red bean bags. Each student, when they got this card, had to balance bean bags on their head and walk across the beam.  Little P loved this!!  What a blessing it is to work in such a creative environment where we incorporate books into all areas of the child's day....and even special needs children can join in!!

That wraps it up for me.....

Dave and I are planning a quiet evening at home tonite  and our oldest daughter will be coming home tomorrow evening for a week-long Spring Break!

Whatever your plans are for the weekend, I hope you find time to rest and recharge!


BONUS!  I woke up this morning to a 2 hour delay for the school district. Yup....more white stuff on the ground...gotta chuckle at March weather up here in on the East Coast/Northeast corner of New York/New England!  


Ann said...

I would LOVE to live in that area of the U.S.!! Visited it three years ago and trying to talk hubby into going back this summer!!

Melissa said...

Sounds like you've had a good week, and you really have brought summer to you! (We're getting snow today, too, but only a couple of inches.)

I've been thinking about doing more container gardening this year. Our patio gets sun almost all day, so I think the pots need to be watered at least twice a day.

Enjoy your quiet evening and the visit with your daughter!

Susanne said...

I tried cherry tomatoes one year in a container and they were delicious! I'll have to give it another try this year.

I haven't done any spring decorating as of yet, other than the candle I mentioned. Maybe this weekend I'll get in the mood. Easter is so early this year that it definitely needs to start coming out! Love your little egg nest.

Barbara H. said...

I can imagine that if I lived in an area like that, I would crave sunshine, too. Glad you got to soak up some while it was there!

A friend teaches preschool and had Dr. Suess events that she posted about on Facebook all last week, too. Fun!

I've thought about trying to grow a few herbs. I've been afraid they'd grow more than I'd use, but I guess I could send some to the neighbor's if that happens.

I love to decorate for the seasons, too. I need to get my spring stuff out!

Brenda said...

I remember doing cherry tomatoes on our apt patio one year. They were a hit and the envy of the other apt dwellers!
Doesn't just thinking how close spring and summer is make your heart glad?

Ingrid said...

It's still too early to plant flowers or other things, but spring is in the air ! I am waking up !!
BTW Brussels is a very nice town to visit ! Far more international then Paris ! And the people are far more friendly too !

Willow said...

I look forward to seeing photos of your container garden. I know you'll love the ease and convenience of the containers. Which cherry tomatoes are you going to grow? The parsley and basil will go perfectly with those tomatoes in lots of meals this summer.
Enjoy your weekend and having your girl come home. I hope there's sunshine for you too.

Jerralea said...

I, too, relish sunlight on my face after dreary days!

Decorating is one of my favorite things to do, too. You've inspired me to get a couple of my bunnies out this weekend ...

The Seuss-a-palooza day sounds like fun. I'm a big Dr. Seuss fan.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have plans to plant some zinnia and marigold seeds this weekend. And, we haven't had too much sun. it's been very snowy here lately. Today it was a little blizzard.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

LOVED reading about your Seusspalooza! Sounds like such great fun. Oh, Faith, I do hope you get a bit more sunshine. We take ours so for granted, I know.

Looks like your house is going to be ready for Spring once it hits. Hope you have a warm and sunny week ahead!

nikkipolani said...

Home grown tomatoes are the best! So glad you'll be enjoying them in a few months. Meanwhile, I guess you're going to get a sneak peek into summer with some summer reading!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I love summer reading! Makes me want to go on vacation. This reminded me that I need to get my Spring decor out!! I'll do that this week :)

I'm not a big fan...or fan really..of Dr Seuss but unfortunately my stepdaughter's school musical this year (in which she is part of stage crew) is Susical The Musical {{gag}} so I'll have to suck it up :)