"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

14 April 2013

Book Review #13: Kisses from Katie

I finally finished a book that I downloaded on to the Nook (my husband's, but I use it sometimes!).  

This book is an autobiography by a young woman, who at age 19, adopted several children while serving in Uganda.  In fact, she moved from her upper  middle class lifestyle in the United States after graduating from high school, to the country of Uganda (in Africa) to do missions work, start a school and adopt 14 children.

At first I found this book to be very impressive, content-wise.

But then I got to thinking that it might have been easy for her to become a missionary (yes, I believe she felt that call from God on her life..her purpose) because she IS from a wealthy family. Her parents help to fund-raise for her!!  That is so often NOT the case with the missionaries that I have actually known from my childhood church as well as from the church I've attended for the last 7 years, which has several missionary families.

Often, fund-raising is difficult and yes, a total reliance on the Lord is required. A trust unlike any of us over here really have to deal with. Yet, she makes it seem, in her book, that it isn't that hard to just pack up, leave everything she has known and loved, and become a single mom to MANY young orphan girls.

The book did grab me though when the chapters included portions of her own private journal. I actually thought that was the best writing (stylistically) in the book.  The main parts of the book and her description of moving to Uganda, the people and experiences there, and her feelings about it both spiritually and emotionally, were interesting to read.  But I became bored at times.  

It's a nice book for young people to read about how God calls us to have a passion and purpose here on this earth and to try and make a difference. I love the faith of Katie and the trust she places in our Heavenly Father.

 But again....coming from the life she has left, it is easy I think, for her to adopt that many children and still be doing ok. I mean.....not most single Christian missionaries can adopt that many children!

I do wonder how she can possibly care (emotionally) for them all.......

but it is a good book to show to today's American teens who have so much compared to what the Ugandan children experience.

It is one of those books that I recommend reading due to the content but isn't a great work of literature. Nor is it meant to be!  It is a story of a young American girl who heard the Voice of God on her life and is acting as the hands and feet of Jesus to very poor people in a country far from here.

It is a story of love....and trust...and faith....much faith in a God Who can do the impossible.

And that's a story worth reading, no matter what!!

(and I LOVED the photos at the end of the book....such precious children...she has a big job.....and I'm inspired to pray for her and possibly help to support the ministry.).

I recommend this for anyone ages 12 and older.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this a 7.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a great story of an amazing young woman. My daughter has been reading the book and following the blog.