Time for the Friday Fave Five writing exercise.
I love looking back on the week and seeing what little blessings God brought to it.
Sometimes it's big stuff....... and sometimes it's just little moments.
Look for the blessings in your day/week and share them by linking up at Susanne's. Leave a comment and I'll come and visit you!
Some small faves
- DECK CORNER: I had a free evening this week to do some yard work after dinner. It didn't take me long so I pulled out the deck chairs from the shed and set up our coffee corner. This weekend my husband will get out the deck umbrella for the table and I'll begin to put some potted flowers out next month. It's a blessing to have this little space for writing, meditating, reading, coffee, wine with friends....whatever God brings to us. It feels so good to finally have the spring season upon us!
- GAME NIGHT! Now that spring has sprung, we stop watching movies on the weekends (unless we see something on Netflix that we really want to see) because we are either biking, hiking, kayaking, or enjoying the outdoors on the deck. Saturday evening, Dave and I decided to stay home and just do a board game. It was so much fun! It had been several months since just the 2 of us played. He drank some wine, I had some of the cinnamon spice coffee and we just had a blast. And I won! I NEVER win against my husband. It was probably pure luck of the letters but still.....a blessing to be able to have fun together on a lazy Saturday evening.
Faith and Cheryl Summit of Vroman's Nose 13 April 2013 |
- HIKING! On Saturday, despite the cloudy day, I drove about an hour southwest of my town, to meet one of my oldest friends. Cheryl and I have been friends since 1967 when we were in 2nd grade. She still lives in our hometown in Central NY so she had further to drive. This was the first time we had ever hiked together! We had so much fun! It was a short hike but challenging in some spots, mainly due to steepness and wet conditions (some loose,wet rocks and leaves). The views of the Schoharie Valley area were just amazing. Farmland for miles around. I took tons of photos but am only showing these. Maybe I will show more in another post. The hike was a 2 mile loop so it only took us an hour. Then we explored this place, and shopped and had lunch at this place. I was home by 4:30 pm. It was a wonderful start to the hiking season...what a blessing to have a good friend along for a new-to-me-hiking trail and not far from my home. God's creation is beautiful.....even on trails NOT in the Adirondack mountains :).
- NEW LEAVES! My rose bush (the large one) in the front flower garden has new spring growth!! It is a little early this year, much to my surprise. I was clearing out the old mulch from over the winter the other night, and noticed the tiny leaves. I love this rose bush. It displays pink tea roses from about the end of May until about Thanksgiving (if a mild autumn). What a blessing to still have this rose bush after 17 years. It's one of my fave things in the garden.
- SAFE BUT SAD! Oh my. Our beloved city......my husband Dave of course (if you are a regular reader on here) is from the south shore area and all of his family live near Boston except for one sister. And our oldest daughter attends college on the North Shore. Thankfully, she had classes on Monday so wasn't in the city celebrating Patriot's Day like so many other people. I was so thankful to hear that evening that she was safe and sound. But so very sad that 3 innocent people died and many more injured...some very severely. We were just in Boston 2 weeks ago and are so sad that our country has this horrible evil going on. God must really weep, huh? It reminds me that the end times are near for sure....at least it sure seems that way! I am thankful that God kept our Courtney safe and that all of Dave's family are safe. Boston. It just boggles our minds. We need to pray for this country. A real blessing is the freedom to pray.
That wraps it up for me......
do you have some blessings that God brought your way this past week?
Please share one!
We've been getting our outdoor areas in shape, too. So refreshing! I've rejoiced to see some new growth on the roses already, too.
I love to play games, but my husband doesn't really care for them, so we don;t often play anything when it is just the two of us. But my kids do, so we play sometimes when they're here.
So glad your loved ones in Boston are safe.
Hiking sounds wonderful to me right now, especially since I've been cooped up for a long time with pregnancy and now with a new baby. (tThese are good things, too, but I do love to be outdoors and active!). And what a blessing to have an old friend with whom to hike!
I love your little coffee corner!
Hurrah for spring!
Isn't it wonderful to be able to sit outside again after this long winter ?
The Boston Marathon was terrible ! How can some mad people run around and put two bombs into such a friendly and peaceful event ? Unbelievable ! There were also 20 Belgians running in the Marathon and their families were so worried because they hadn't any news ! But they were lucky besides a shock they weren't hurt.
Still praying for Boston -- even more so with today's events.
And you won! Game night and a victory!
You know I'm a nature lover too, so I always nod my head at those favorites. Have a great week ahead, Faith.
Glad your Boston family is safe. I agree that it seems like the last days are upon us. I'm so glad for all those who know the Savior in times like this...
Love your outdoor space, and I love that snazzy Scrabble board. I just have the plain board where all the letters get jostled around. Glad you beat Dave! (Always love when we women win!)
I'm so glad your girl and all the family are safe in Boston!
I think that since here in SoCal we don't really have 'winter', we don't appreciate the ritual of putting out the summer deck chairs. Hurray for spring!
My dd and sil are in the process of wading through the system to adopt, and their friends' adoption was official this week, so their church had a 'we love your kids' shower for the two families. So sweet!
Glad Courtney is safe and my heart goes out to all the victims and families that were affected.
I've been wanting to get around to yard work but it just seems to evade me because of the weather on the weekends around here.
The hiking looks like some much fun and even better with a good friend!
Thanks for sharing all the good things that the Lord has blessed you with this past week, Faith! the Lord is good to us..
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