Today I am thankful for............. dad!
Dad is a godly man, a Believer. He was always a hard worker at a blue-collar job during my growing up years. He was an excellent provider and although at times we didn't have much money for "extras" we always had clothes, food, shelter and we even had a camp in the Adirondacks (a rustic one with no plumbing!) where we enjoyed our summers. I loved that camp but Dad sold it when I was 15 to my cousin and her husband. How I miss those days and have such wonderful memories of Daddy and me sitting by the campfire. I know I get my love for outdoor fires from him!
One clear, precious memory I have of my father is when he would sit at his desk across from my bedroom and read his Bible every morning and bow his head in prayer. He would do this before leaving for work. He worked 7 a.m.-3 pm. So he was up early.
I am determined to follow in his footsteps with the daily Bible reading.
He is a precious person and I am so thankful my girls have this godly grandfather in their lives. He always asks about what they are involved in when we chat on the phone and he always asks how my husband is doing. Dave and I are thrilled that his physical health is good at age 81 and that he can continue to live in his house in central NY.
It is a huge blessing to have a godly who is an earthly example of our Heavenly Father.......
What are you thankful for today??
I love your comparison of having a godly father who is a good example of a Heavenly father. I had that kind of daddy too, Faith. He was such a blessing to be around.
Have a wonderful day today!
Now I know where you get your love of the mountains from; it's in your blood!
Very sweet post! Sounds like a wonderful man!
What a wonderful tribute to your Dad! I too am thankful to my Dad for the strong upbringing he gave me and for being a hard worker and being involved in my growing up.
I'm thankful today for telephones, believe it or not. I have a whole bunch of contacts I need to make for our church Ladies Christmas Party and can't imagine using only a mail service for this job!
I am also thankful to have known my father-in-law who passed away this past summer. My husband and I are missing him a lot and we have been talking about what a blessing he was to us. He was such a good example of faithfulness and a man who worked very hard for his family. At times life wasn't easy for him, but he persevered through all circumstances and helped raise 5 sons (including, of course, the faithful hard working man who is my husband)
I am truly thankful that my immediate + extended family almost all serve the Lord Jesus Christ. bj
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