It's a new calendar year.............
..............and a new season..........
winter is here and for me that means I spend most of my time inside.
Working in the classroom, working in my home, watching movies with the family, writing on this blog, staying connected to the college girl, leading a small group of women, taxiing the teen to and from ballet classes, cooking/baking, creating photo-books and hoping to catch up to 2014 although I'm still on photos from 2010...and trying to find time and place to work out to stay physically fit.
And then there's the spiritual work-outs....where in January I determine to spend MORE time in God's Word, MORE time in deeper prayers, MORE time connecting with husband, MORE time meditating, MORE time cultivating friendships......and all this busyness ok for my soul??
The older I get, the less busy I want to be.
I want to be productive. But that isn't the same as being busy, is it?
And I want to go even deeper with my Love relationship with Christ.
Over the month of December, in all the busyness that it brings, I found one word that kept popping up in my mind, in my heart, down deep in my soul.
photo courtesy of over thinking website |
And this Scripture:
photo courtesy of photobucket |
Quiet before Him. Not moving. Not multi-tasking.
Basking in the presence of God.
Practicing the presence of God.
And God wants me to use this word..........this is my goal for be still.
To really practice the presence of God. To really be still.
browsing Facebook doesn't count. Reading a novel doesn't count. Watching a silent movie doesn't count.
napping doesn't count.
Simply sitting Still. And finding the intimacy of God.
Yes, I have personal goals like my fitness/physical goal that also meets my naturalist temperament. That goal is to complete the rest of the Fire-tower Challenge by Columbus Day. I have only 7 Adirondack mountains left and 4 Catskills mountains to finish climbing before earning my Fire-tower Badge. Another personal fitness goal I have is to complete the Saranac Six Challenge. (hiking 6 specific mountains in the Saranac Lake region). That could be accomplished by Labor Day.
My parenting goal is to make memorable moments with both girls and especially savor summer time with our oldest...her last summer before her last year at Gordon College!
I have marital goals ( won't be sharing on here!)
I have some other fitness goals (to power walk every day, rain or shine come March), to begin Holy Yoga.
and although all of these personal goals are great things and good for me, they won't really deepen my relationship with God.
Being Still will. The Bible promises it!
Now, I know our lives are all about balance. In fact, that will be the next study book that my small group will be working on from the Women of Faith series. Living a Life of Balance. It is important to have a life of balance. For physical needs, mental needs, emotional needs, and spiritual needs. It's important to decide and learn what are wants vs. what we need. What we should be doing in ministry vs. just always saying Yes. When to say No.
You get the idea.
Be Still. Know God. The word "know" is intimate.
By being still, we can hear God. We will know Him.
Are you up for the challenge of practicing the presence of God??
Praying that you are drawn closer to God through this year of focusing on being still.
What a great word and goal. To be still and know that He is God.
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